What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Senior Wednesday, May 4 5:30 PM
Junior AHS ACT test – official results will be mailed to your home in 4-8 weeks from ACT MCA Math test – official results will be mailed to your home in September Senior Year class schedule – Make sure your schedule is correct before you leave for summer vacation! Do not wait until the fall to make changes. Don’t let grades slip Quarter 4!! Colleges evaluate your HS transcript grades 9-11
Senior AHS College in the Schools courses Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and earn certain scores on the Accuplacer exam to enroll and earn college credit Math Only 3.5 years required for HS graduation (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, Stats), but some colleges require 4 years for admission (U of M) Honors Diploma 4 years Science and Math, 2 years Fine Arts and/or Foreign Language, 3.5 GPA at end of semester 1 57 credits needed to graduate…Are you on track?? Job Shadowing and Responsibility Passes during school Senior Year: Must have a 2.5 GPA and no behavior referrals
Start Thinking and Planning for Life After High School 2 College visit days per year during the Junior and Senior year (pre-arranged 3 days in advance), visit with College Reps at AHS Start researching colleges/programs, requirements, and costs Job Shadow – during or outside of school Interview adults in the career you are interested in and college students in the program Volunteer Decide whether or not to re-take the ACT Free prep online: actstudent.org, mncis.intocareers.org (see me for login info)
“But I don’t know what I want to do after high school!” That’s okay!! We can help you with that! World of Work map on the PLAN test from Sophomore year and the ACT from Junior year MCIS, ISEEK, DEED Minnesota Workforce Center in Aitkin Helping job-seekers become employed! Resume building, interviewing skills, job fairs, interest inventories, etc. Self-Reflection, meet with your school counselor Who + Why = What
MN Career Information System, CareerWise Education (Iseek), MN DEED What occupations are in demand?
Spring of Junior year/Summer Make a list of what is important to you in a college: 2 or 4 year, religious affiliation, on-campus housing, location, cost, etc. College websites are a great place to start! Start a list of colleges you are interested in, dig deeper into these schools: admissions requirements, timeline, actual cost of attendance Visit campus!!! Compare colleges, pros and cons of each school you visit/research.
Fall of Senior Year Submit Applications! Some programs fill up faster than others (Diesel Mechanics) Do I meet all the Admissions Requirements? Does the college have an application deadline? Priority deadline? Do you need letters of recommendation? Is there a fee to apply? Will my CITS credits transfer? Free Application Week (October) and 2 nd Annual College AHS Re-take the ACT (October 22)
ACT test Retake the ACT for a higher score Saturday, October 22 Must register online (actstudent.org) using your ACT ID number provided for you on your Score Report Why retake?? Admission to college, scholarships, qualify you for certain college courses
College Scholarships Example: SMSU PRESIDENT’S Scholarship Package - $10,000 1st year - $2,000 / 2nd year $2,000 / 3rd year $3,000 / 4th year $3,000 Students with 29+ ACT and a minimum GPA of 3.0 VICE PRESIDENTS’ Scholarship Package - $8,000 1st year - $1,500 / 2nd year $1,500 / 3rd year $2,500 / 4th year $2,500 Students with ACT and minimum GPA of 3.0 OR 29+ ACT and GPA DEANS’ Scholarship Package - $7,000 1st year - $1,500 / 2nd year $1,500 / 3rd year $2,000 / 4th year $2,000 Students with ACT and minimum GPA of 2.8 LEADERSHIP Scholarship Package - $5,000 1st year - $1,250 / 2nd year $1,250 / 3rd year $1,250 / 4th year $1,250 Students with ACT and a minimum GPA of 2.5 ACHIEVEMENT Scholarship Package - $2,000 1st year - $500 / 2nd year $500 / 3rd year $500 / 4th year $500 Students with ACT and minimum GPA of 3.0
Winter of Senior Year General rule of thumb… All four-year college applications should be submitted by the end of November! Submit the FAFSA (starting in October) Search for scholarships Fastweb.com, scholarships.com, highfivescholarships.com, Aitkin Dollars for Scholars Appeal if denied admission (if needed)
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Submit a FAFSA® Earlier: Students will be able to file a 2017–18 FAFSA as early as Oct. 1, 2016, rather than beginning on Jan. 1, Use Earlier Income Information: Beginning with the 2017–18 FAFSA, students will report income information from an earlier tax year. FAFSA assistance at the Workforce Center: Amanda Voller When a student is attending college When a student can submit a FAFSA Which year’s income information is required July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018October 1, 2016 – June 30,
Spring of Senior Year Read Financial Aid offers carefully Play the Waiting Game You should receive admissions decisions by March or April. Let colleges you don’t choose know that you won’t be attending Appeal if denied admission (if needed) Get Ready to GO! May 1 st is the commitment deadline for most colleges Sign up to register for Fall Semester
Sometimes, having a Senior in High School can feel like this…
Questions? Concerns? Please contact me with any questions or concerns you have about your child’s upcoming Senior Year I am available to meet individually with students and parents Thank you for attending!!! Meredith Sander, AHS Grade Counselor