Drug Use and Society PSY 4930
Professor: Donald J. Stehouwer Phone: Office:310 Psychology Bldg. Hours:Thursdays 10:40 -11:30 a.m. or by appointment Assistant:Bradley Wilkes Office:025 Psychology Bldg. Hours:Tuesdays, 12:50 – 2:45 p.m. or by appointment
COURSE STRUCTURE 1. There will be four hourly exams, plus a cumulative final exam. The best four of these five exams will contribute to your final grade. 2. If you have taken all four of the hourly exams, the final is optional. If you have missed one of the hourly exams, the final will serve as your make-up exam. 3. All students must prepare and present an oral presentation to the class on a topic of choice. Students will work on these presentations in groups of four. 4. Attendance is required, because class participation is vital to the success of this class. Much of the class will be devoted to discussion among students on topics presented by the instructor. 5. Each component of the course will count for 1/6 th of the final grade: Exams : 4 x Presentation 100 Participation 100 Total 600 Participation Extra Credit +20
POLICIES 1. No hats may be worn in class. This is neither Florida Field nor Texas. Yee-haw! 2. If you arrive late on an exam day, you may NOT take the exam if any students have left the room. 3. All electronic devices must be turned OFF during exams. 4. If you miss an hourly exam, the cumulative final will serve as your make-up exam. 5. We will gladly correct any errors in grading we may make; but any such errors in grading must be corrected before the next exam is taken; after that the exam grade is final.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT 1. The instructor and T.A. will be available outside of class. 2. Our willingness to help you is directly related to the strength of your effort. 3. Every effort will be made to ensure that the tests are fair. 4. Grading will be fair.
EXAM SCHEDULE FIRST EXAM: Monday, September 17 SECOND EXAM: Monday, October 8 THIRD EXAM: Monday, November 5 FOURTH EXAM: Monday, December 3 FINAL EXAM: Friday, December 14 10:00 a.m. - Noon Room 130 Psychology Bldg.