The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 Team Teaching and a Cross-Curricular Approach The Cross-Curricular Route to Independent Learning
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 “Unpacking” our whole school ethos Teaching Planning Learning
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 Spring 2007 Younger Team Geography and History led theme “TOYS” Geography, History, DT, Art, Science, English, ICT all planned around the theme of “Toys” PE – puppet dance English – factual reading and writing, descriptive writing, creative writing, drama DT – puppet making
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 Spring 2007 Middle Team Science led theme “HEALTHY ME” English, Science, DT, ICT, Art and Music all planned around the theme of ‘Healthy Me’ DT – designing and making a healthy, balanced sandwich complete with packaging that promotes healthy living English – poetry and persuasive writing Music – creating a healthy living jingle ICT – creating an “Ourselves” database
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 Spring 2007 – Older Team Science led “MYSELF and OTHER ANIMALS” Science, English, ICT, Art and design, Design Technology, Music all planned around the theme “Myself and Other Animals” DT – Recipe, cooking a balanced meal English & ICT – instructional texts, flow diagrams, multimedia presentations, playscripts, persuasive texts, film making, autobiography and biography, poetry
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 Shoe horn?
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 Our planning process Four Year Rolling Programme SUBJECT SPECIFIC (Learning Objectives) OVERVIEW TERMLY PLANS (Medium Term Plans) WEEK by WEEK OVERVIEW Teaching INPUTS Children’s activities/learning THE CHILD
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 “A problem shared is a problem halved” or “The sum of the parts is greater than the whole!” Planning load shared Strengths and specialisms are maximized
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens….flexibility Flexible grouping Vertical year groups Maths combined year/ability grouping Mixed gender groups, pair work, friendship groups, children’s choice, teachers’ choice
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens… Team teaching 1) Lead teacher supported by other class teacher 2) Teach whole team together Written outputs where valuable – lots of discussion The osmosis effect!
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 No requirement for individual lesson plans (unless formal observation) Reflects trust in our professionalism Allows room to tackle important issues as and when they arise How learning happens….flexibility
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens… challenging all children Open-ended activities chosen to allow all children to work to the best of their ability …and beyond! SEN children supported by adults and other children Gifted and talented challenged by nature of the tasks and our high expectations
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens….trust Trust is an important part of our whole school ethos Between children Between us and the children Between all staff Between heads and staff Between heads and governors Between school, parents and the wider community
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens…risk taking Colleagues are supportive Make positive contributions, including criticism or corrections Example to the children Children are willing to ask questions Do not mind admitting that they don’t know something Willing and able to take risks
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens….creativity and independence Why is creativity so important? Pupils who are encouraged to think creatively and independently become: More interested in discovering things for themselves More open to new ideas Keen to work with others to explore ideas Willing to work beyond lesson time when pursuing an idea or vision
The Colleton Primary School Conference 2007 How learning happens….creativity and independence As a result, children’s pace of learning, levels of achievement and self-esteem increase. “Creativity prepares children for life; an important aim of the National Curriculum.” (National Curriculum in Action)