Copyright January, Prof. Basuony El-Garhy Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering What is CE 331
2 Course Title: Geotechnical Engineering I Course Description: Introduction to geological engineering; Types of rocks: igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock; Weathering processes; Soil formation; Soil structures; Soil minerals; Basic soil properties: weight- volume relationships, definitions, laboratory tests; Soil classifications; Types of water in soil; Total and effective stresses; Hydraulic soil properties: laboratory and field soil permeability; Stresses in soil mass: stresses under point, line and distributed loads; Soil compaction: relative density, laboratory compaction tests, field compaction, compaction equipment, site control of compaction; Experimental tests.
What is CE 331 Prerequisite: CE321: Properties of material I 3 Course Meetings: According to studying schedules for each group
4 What is CE 331 Instructor: Prof. Basuony El-Garhy Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Foundations Room: 1126 Tel: ext: 140 Office Office hours: Saturday; Sunday; Tuesday 2 – 4 am
5 What is CE 331 Required Textbook: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 6 editions, by Braja Das(2008)
6 What is CE 331 Grading: The final grades for the course will be based on the following percentages: ComponentsPercentages Assignments and quizzes 20% 1st Exam15% 2nd Exam15% Lab Exam10% Final exam40 %
7 What is CE 331 Grading: Final letter grades will be based on the following scale which reflects the percentages as noted above. PercentagesGrade 95 % % A+ 90 % - 94 % A 85 % - 89% B+ 80 % - 84 % B 75 % - 79 % C+ 70 % - 74 % C 65 % - 69 % D+ 60 % - 64 % D Less than 60 % F
8 What is CE 331 Grading: Regular attendance is necessary to maintain pace with the lectures and the progress of the class. If you must be absent, please make sure you know the assignment for the following class meeting and turn in any work due that day. Generally, if a student misses an exam or a homework assignment, a score of zero will be recorded.
9 What is CE 331 Grading: However, the student may be allowed to make-up an exam or turn in their homework late if a valid reason for the absence is presented to the instructor at the next class meeting. If the student must miss an exam because of a conflict in their schedule the student must notify the instructor in writing at least two days prior to the absence.
10 What is CE 331 Grading: Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date. To account for a missed assignment, even with a valid excuse, one homework assignment will be dropped for consideration in computing the homework average. Late homework will not be accepted for any reason.
11 What is CE 331 Homework Format: All assignments are to be submitted on engineering paper with a cover page. You may use any type of engineering paper as long as it has a background grid. Work should be done in pencil, and a lead hardness used which produces good contrast to the paper.
12 What is CE 331 Homework Format: The layout and appearance of your work should be of professional quality. Work no more than one problem per page. Do not use the back of a page for any reason.
13 What is CE 331 Any Question