Autobiography of James Dela Cruz ED 205 Fall 2014 Northern Marianas College
Table of Contents Physical Development Social and Emotional Development Cognitive Development
Physical Development Physical development provides children with the abilities they need to explore and interact with the world around them.
Slide #1 of Physical Development As you can see that I was 3- years old and my fine motor skills coordination and balance was just developing, which makes me start off with a small vehicle that practice my coordination and movement. I was limited on my physical activity due to ongoing process of developing my physical attributes. (Note there were no pedals in the car)
Slide #2 of Physical Development I was around 4 years old and I started to develop my fine motor skills and gross motor skills. As you can see I’ve learned how to use various parts of my muscles to ride a bike. Coordination and balance is also incorporate with this activity. Skeletal growth and brain development also takes place.
Slide #3 of Physical Development Now I'm around 5 years old and I ready for riding a go-kart at the tracks. My fine and gross motor skills have developed more and my coordination has developed to the point that I’m ready to upgrade from a bike to a go- kart.
Social and Emotional Development The development of the social and emotional health of a child is essential to his appropriate behavior, understanding of life and transition to adulthood. Social emotional development helps shape a child into what he will become later in life by teaching proper reactions to emotional matters. Social skills are all about a child's ability to cooperate and play with others, paying attention to adults and teachers, and making reasonable transitions from activity to activity. Emotional development is the process of learning how to understand and control emotions.
Eight Stages of social and emotional Development: Erikson “Eight stages of Man” First stHope (up to two), Learning Basic Trust Versus Basic Mistrust Second stage: Will (18 months – four), Learning Autonomy Versus Shame Third stage: Purpose (three – six), Learning Initiative Versus Guilt Fourth stage: Competence (5.5 – 12), Industry vs Inferiority Fifth stage: Fidelity (12-20), Learning Identity vs Identity Diffusion Sixth stage: Love (18+), Learning Intimacy vs Isolation Seventh stage: Care (adulthood), Learning Generativity vs Self-Absorption Eighth stage: Wisdom (adulthoodage:), Integrity vs Despair
Slide #1 of Social and emotional Development As you can see I was 2-years old almost turning 3, this is the 1 st stage: Hope. As a toddler nurtured and loved by my baby sitter I start to develop trust and security with my care taker.
Slide #2 of Social and emotional Development As you can see I’m 6-years-old and I’m on the 4 th stage: competence. I’m learning skills such as cooperating with others and development my social skills with my friends such as speaking and interacting with others in a game.
Stages Cognitive Development: Piaget Children change more quickly than we’d like. It seems you can blink and your child has grown, evolved, developed or reached a key milestone. First cognitive development stage: Sensory motor period ( months) Second cognitive development stage: The preoperational period (two to seven years), Third cognitive development stage: Concrete operations (seven to 12 years) Fourth cognitive development stage: Formal operations (12 years+)
Slide #1 of Cognitive Development I’m around 7 years in this picture and on the third stage concreate operations I start to have more problem-solving skills. Videos games takes a lot of thinking and problem solving and my cognitive development has grown to the point that I have more logical approaches when it comes to playing video games.
Slide #2 of Cognitive Development I’m 12 years old and on the 4 th stage I start to use formal operations. I’m playing a playstation 2 and this type of game called “grand theft auto”. When playing this video game I developed the ability to generate abstract propositions, multiple hypotheses and possible outcomes is evident.
This is my Life and thank you for listening
References development-in-babies-and-children article.htm development-in-babies-and-children article.htm development-in-babies-and-children article.htm development-in-babies-and-children article.htm emotional-development-in-babies-and-children article.htm emotional-development-in-babies-and-children article.htm