Welcome To Mrs. Montoya’s 6th Grade English and Pre-AP English Class
August 24, 2015—Activity Take the piece of paper you were given and fold it in half Create a name plate –Write an adjective (descriptive word) that describes you and then your first name –The adjective you choose and your first name should start with the same letter and have the same first initial sound (alliteration) –Ex. Marvelous Mrs. Montoya, Mysterious Mrs. Montoya, Musical Mrs. Montoya, Mindful Mrs. Montoya, Mischievous Montoya ine- stopwatch.co m/classroom- timers/
Biography This is my 10 th year in education –9 years at WHMS (6 th English, 6 th Pre-AP English, and 7 th Pre-AP English) B.A. in English, M.A. in Teaching Graduated from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas Hobbies –Reading, writing poetry, running 5Ks, 10Ks, and ½ marathons
My Expectations for Students Come to class with a pencil or pen (dark blue or black) and a folder or binder for English Get journal prior to taking their seat Turn in homework at the beginning of class Participate in class and write in journal at least 11 lines (a ½ page) each day Come to tutoring to make up assignments when absent
Supplies that stay in the class 2 (100 page) composition books Index cards
Discipline Procedure Steps: –1 st : Verbal warning, student-teacher conference, student signature –2 nd : Parent/Guardian phone call, student signature –3 rd : Counselor referral, parent/guardian phone call, student signature –4 th : Parent/Guardian conference, student signature, parent signature –5 th : Administrator referral
Grades 50%--Daily grades will include weekly journal grades, prewriting and drafting activities, and text analysis activities; Pre-AP will include SpringBoard activities 40%--Essay grades will include narratives, expository essays, and creative writing 10%--Homework grades will include editing practice and current events; Pre-AP will include SpringBoard activities
Redo Assignments Redo work on a separate sheet of paper. Students may redo journals, activities, and essays. They may take journals home to redo assignments. To improve quiz grades, students may take retakes. To take the place of a homework grade, students are given an alternate editing practice.
Tutoring Thursday 7:00-7:50 AM Thursday 3:30-4:30 PM
Advisory Advisory—vocabulary time; students work on a set of 10 words each week
Pre-AP Curriculum Must sign challenge agreement. Pre-AP English Language Arts students have a separate curriculum from 6 th grade English and Reading. We use SpringBoard workbooks a program developed by College Board. Pre-AP classes move at a faster pace, and students are expected to take work home as needed (workbooks and journals).
Pre-AP Summer Reading All summer reading assignments due August 28. Expectations: –5 examples of text-to-text –5 examples of text-to-world –5 examples of characterization –5 examples of conflict
Teacher Conference and Webpage Conference Time: 2 nd period (9:26-10:18 AM) Access through On the webpage –Teacher information Some of the PowerPoint information available –Class information –Tutoring information –Teacher
Please don’t be a stranger! If you would like to meet with me in person, please or leave a message at to set up a Thank you for coming.