Persuasive Writing Challenge!
Opening Paragraphs Body Paragraphs Conclusion Paragraphs Transition Words Persuasive Vocabulary
Opening Paragraphs for 100 When you first receive your persuasive topic what should you do? A.Immediately begin writingImmediately begin writing B.Understand the ControversyUnderstand the Controversy C.Free WriteFree Write D.Think about the topic through different perspectives.Think about the topic through different perspectives. Return to Game Board
Opening Paragraphs for 200 What is the first thing you do when you start writing a paragraph? A.Write your nameWrite your name B.IndentIndent C.Put the DatePut the Date D.TitleTitle Return to Game Board
Opening Paragraphs for 300 does not Which of these ideas does not belong in a persuasive paragraph? A.Back and Forth IdeasBack and Forth Ideas B.Strong Persuasive VocabularyStrong Persuasive Vocabulary C.Transition WordsTransition Words D.AnecdoteAnecdote Return to Game Board
Opening Paragraphs for 400 When should your opinion be expressed ? A.Opening Paragraph B.2 nd Body Paragraph C.1 st Body Paragraph D.Conclusion Paragraph Return to Game Board
Body Paragraphs for 100 does not Which of the following does not belong in a body paragraph? A.Transition WordsTransition Words B.SequenceSequence C.ExamplesExamples D.Presentation of TopicPresentation of Topic Return to Game Board
Body Paragraphs for 200 How many reasons or points should be covered in each body paragraph? Return to Game Board
Body Paragraphs for 300 How many sentences are needed to make a body paragraph complete ? Return to Game Board
Body Paragraphs for 400 Which of the following should be incorporated into body paragraphs? Examples Facts Supporting Details All of the above Return to Game Board
Conclusion Paragraphs for 100 not Which is not a goal of a conclusion paragraph? Restating the Main Idea Summarizing all Key Points Introduce a New Topic Connect to the Audience Return to Game Board
Conclusion Paragraphs for 200 What is the most common mistake when writing a conclusion paragraph? A.Too many examplesToo many examples B.Too many detailsToo many details C.Too Similar to the Introduction ParagraphToo Similar to the Introduction Paragraph D.Too much Persuasive VocabularyToo much Persuasive Vocabulary Return to Game Board
Conclusion Paragraphs for 300 If you don’t use textual evidence to support your reasons and ideas in a passage based writing and if the writing isn’t clear, correct and complete, what score will you probably receive.? Return to Game Board
Conclusion Paragraphs for 400 What is the best way to end a conclusion paragraph of a persuasive essay? A.Give the Readers Something to Think AboutGive the Readers Something to Think About B.With a StoryWith a Story C.With a JokeWith a Joke D.A New Valid PointA New Valid Point Return to Game Board
Transition Words for 100 Which transition word should be used to start a sentence when you want to use the word “and”? Lastly Mostly Moreover Also Return to Game Board
Transition Words for 200 What always follows transitional words or phrases? Colon Comma Semi-Colon Period Return to Game Board
Transition Words for 300 Which is the best transitional phrase to start your persuasive essay? Once upon a time… Thus stating, On the other hand, I strongly believe that… Return to Game Board
Transition Words for 400 Which is the best transitional phrase to start your conclusion paragraph? Once upon a time… In conclusion… On the other hand… It is my opinion that… Return to Game Board
Persuasive Vocabulary for 100 Immediately is a power word. What does it mean? Next week Without delay Later Tomorrow Return to Game Board
Persuasive Vocabulary for 200 Monumental is a power word. What does it mean? Important Small Not important Huge Return to Game Board
Persuasive Vocabulary for 300 Unsurpassed is a power word. What does it mean? In need of help Not capable of being improved Switching your argument Beyond Return to Game Board
Persuasive Vocabulary for 400 Consequently is a power word. What does it mean? Opposite As a result Different Negative Return to Game Board
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