Wellness and Healthy Active Living PPL 10 – Grade 9 Health & Physical Education Mr. Longval
What is Wellness? Wellness means being in “a state of good health” Wellness is not for a short term – it is a commitment to a way of life
Wellness requires…. Health Conscious: you must be aware of the overall state of your health. Health Active: you must actually DO SOMETHING about your health (not just talk about it!) Health Wise: you must be aware of the areas that you need to improve (such as diet, exercise, and goal setting) Health Committed: you must be prepared to “stay fit, keep healthy, and have fun” for the rest of your life.
What is Healthy Active Living? Healthy Active Living means making choices to improve your health and minimize controllable illness and diseases. Active Living is DOING PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES in order to improve your fitness levels.
Four Components of Healthy Active Living 1. Physical health: is a result of all your body’s important functions working well together. A person in good physical health can more easily….. -Fight disease -Recover from illness -Perform daily routines without feeling tired
Four Components of Healthy Active Living 2. Mental Health : is a result of positive feelings about yourself and others. Your mental health can influence your decisions. A person in good mental health can more easily…. -Deal with stress -Cope with change -Maintain a positive outlook on life
Four Components of Healthy Active Living 3. Social Health: is a result of your interactions with others and of coping well with social situations. A person in good social health can more easily…. -Feel close and connected to other people -Understand his or her own self-worth -Cope with life’s ups and downs
Four Components of Healthy Active Living 4. Spiritual Health : gives peace of mind. Spirituality can be gained and expressed by playing an instrument, dancing, work with art materials, or through religion. Good spiritual health can… -Give your life a purpose -Provide you with stress relief -Help you develop support systems
Benefits of Healthy Active Living A healthy active approach brings with it both short term benefits (benefits you can see and feel right away) and long term benefits (benefits you will be able to see for many years to come) BOTH ARE IMPORTANT!
Short Term Benefits Healthy Active living enables you to enjoy each day with more energy for the things you like to do on a daily basis
Long Term Benefits A healthy Active Lifestyle also ensures that the body and all its important parts continue to work as effectively as possible for as long as you live/
Benefits of Healthy Active Living Increased Self Confidence
Increased Energy Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Increased Concentration Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Improved Study Habits Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Better grades in school Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Easier Weight Management Benefits of Healthy Active Living
More intense participation in sports (now and in future) Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Improved sense of well-being Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Improved sleeping habits Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Healthier food choices Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Stronger relationships with others Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Increased enjoyment of life Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Better approach to goal setting Benefits of Healthy Active Living
Increased willingness to try new things Benefits of Healthy Active Living
More enjoyment of leisure time Benefits of Healthy Active Living