Test Taking Strategies
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents This sentence (although seemingly random) contains steps that will ensure you take your time on your upcoming EOG Reading test. Each word stands for a test-taking strategy that will help you slow down and break up the passages into smaller (and more tolerable) sections. Write this acronym on EVERY passage of your test and FOLLOW THE STEPS for best results: RNERHAR
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step One: The R stands for READ THE DIRECTIONS. Find out what you are looking for and what kind of passage you are reading
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step Two: The N stands for NUMBER THE PARAGRAPHS This will help break up the (oftentimes very long) passages into more manageable chunks. If you are reading a difficult passage, write a short summary in the margin next to each numbered paragraph you read.
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step Three: The E stands for EXAMINE THE QUESTIONS. Know what you are going to be looking for before you read the passage. This way, you will be able to identify key terms as you come across them in the text.
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step Four: The R stands for READ THE PASSAGE. Read every single word of the passage. Read every single word of the passage. Read every single word of the passage. If you are having difficulty understanding something, slow down and read it again. Write brief summaries, make notes about characters, draw sketches of events, and underline key terms if it helps you.
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step Five: The H stands for HIGHLIGHT THE TEXT This is your test booklet, and you can do (almost) anything you want to it. Highlight, circle, annotate, define words, draw diagrams, anything that will help you. Remember when you EXAMINED THE QUESTIONS? Highlight passages that reference the questions before you go to answer them.
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step Six: The A stands for ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Look at the answer options. There are usually one or two irrelevant, random choices. Mark through those. You should be able to narrow down your answer choices to one or two reasonable answers. USE LOGIC – If you are unsure, justify your answer by proving or disproving it by going back in the text.
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents We’re still on Step Six: The A stands for ANSWER THE QUESTIONS If you feel stuck, reread the question and be sure that you understand what it is asking Look for clues in the question itself: there are often contextual hints in wording of the questions Be confident with your answer. First impulses are often correct. If you have to guess, make LOGICAL guesses.
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Step Seven: The R stands for REVIEW YOUR ANSWERS Make sure you bubbled in what you meant to If you feel unsure about something, now is your time to revisit a question Just like proofreading in writing, DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP
Ronnie Never Eats Raw Ham And Rodents Follow these steps on EVERY reading passage Write down the acronym RNERHAM before starting a new passage and cross each letter off as you complete the step if you need to