£300,000 per annum Source – Area Based Grants Allocations to each Community Area Forum Supports activities which have a quick impact on quality of life and helps meet our LAA top ten priorities Two Pots of money –Area Projects - £ £15,000 –Community Grants £100 - £1000 What is it?
Where did it come from Innovation days Championed by Cllr Iain Malcolm, Leader of the Council Top LAA Priority - engaging people to have a greater influence over local decision making Successor to the Local Initiatives Fund
What will Your Fund Support Children and Young peoples activities Improvements to Community Facilities Large or Small scale environmental works Equipment for activities Activities and equipment to enhance Community Safety
Local Area Agreement Top Ten 1.Reducing waste to landfill and increasing recycling to reduce our carbon footprint 2.Improving housing conditions and quality across all tenures to meet Decent Homes Standard 3.Promoting culture and wellbeing so that everyone in our communities can be the best that they can be 4.Improving the health and wellbeing of older people 5.Reducing health inequalities by reducing smoking, alcohol and obesity 6.Reducing the gaps in employment and benefit claimant rates between the worst performing neighbourhoods and national averages 7.Increasing opportunities and participation in education, employment and training 8.Building respect in communities and reducing Anti Social Behaviour 9.Engaging people to have a greater voice and influence over decision-making and the delivery of local services 10.Improving outcomes for vulnerable children and young people
Typical Projects Environmental – improving public spaces, traffic calming, waste and recycling Safer Communities – safer environments, local crime prevention campaigns
Typical Projects cont… Stronger Communities – Engaging local people in decision making, volunteering Health – Safe play areas, improving local health facilities
Typical Projects cont… Jobs and Enterprise – developing improving local job search fairs Learning, Creativity and Culture – learning activities, local ICT facilities, local sports projects Children and Young People – positive activities, helping young people progress into a positive opportunity
Criteria - Area Projects Not less than £1000 – maximum of £15,000 Fits against Top 10 LAA priorities Benefits the wider community in an area Meets local needs Supported by the local community Evidenced by consultation and local discussion No ongoing revenue costs e.g. staffing, fuel bills, rent Usual exclusions – non-political/religious, no retrospective applications
Criteria – Community Grants The fund is intended to support smaller projects that contribute to community life at the local level. Help address the Top 10 priorities set by the Local Strategic Partnership in the Spirit of South Tyneside. Specifically respond to the needs of a neighbourhood or group of neighbourhoods Provide sustainable benefits to the wider local community Have the support of the local community. It can be used for either: Capital Expenditure e.g. building, landscaping or equipment costs, or Start up costs for new initiatives Not less than £100 – Maximum £1000
Allocations – Area Projects 90% for Your Fund Area Projects Total Hebburn £ 42, £126, Jarrow £ 51, £155, BCW £ 29, £ 89, Riverside £ 63, £191, W Shields £ 38, £115, E Shields £ 43, £131, Total £270, £810,000.00
Allocations – Community Grants 10% Top slices for Your Fund Community Grants Total Hebburn £ 4, £ 14, Jarrow £ 5, £ 17, BCW £ 3, £ 9, Riverside £ 7, £ 21, W Shields £ 4, £ 12, E Shields £ 4, £ 14, Total £ 30, £ 90,000.00
Ideas so far Boldon, Cleadon and Whitburn Play area improvements East Shields Parking bays Ramps to Bamburgh Grove Improvements to allotments Hebburn Safe places to play Exercise and sports activities for the elderly Jarrow Play Safe space Footpath upgrades A healthy food centre
Ideas so far cont.. Riverside Removal of planters West Shields Security fencing to allotments Environmental improvements to West Harton Estate Fencing scheme for Wadham Terrace Community Safety upgrades to Brockley Winns Metro Path Borough wide Bike Marking machine A Brass band Weekend Projects to get young people into activities
Process We asked - Ideas Generation – October to January You Said - Consultation on Ideas – January 09 We Did - Ideas to Action – February 09 Sign Off – March 09
Any Questions ?