Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Tackling Childhood Obesity in Wales – Public Health Wales supporting a system wide response Author: Dr Julie.


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Presentation transcript:

Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Tackling Childhood Obesity in Wales – Public Health Wales supporting a system wide response Author: Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health

Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health Transforming Health Improvement in Wales Multi-agency expert advisory group for Obesity, Diet and Nutrition recommended that preventing childhood obesity should be one of the priority areas for action for Public Health Wales Evidence review has highlighted action that has the potential to be effective in Wales Extensive engagement with multi-agency partners to identify how Public Health Wales can help deliver population level change

Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health Key Actions Addressing Normalisation of Obesity Mobilising system wide action around 10 Steps to a Healthy Weight Tracking change – Obesity Report Card Early Years Settings

Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health Normalisation of Obesity Action to address normalisation of childhood obesity –Parents and families –Health professionals –Childcare workers Key Objectives –Parents and professionals recognise the importance and scale of childhood obesity as a public health problem –Parents and professionals are able to recognise and identify children who are overweight and obese –Professionals are confident to raise the issue –Parents respond positively to advice or information from professionals

Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health Ten Steps to a Healthy Weight At least 10 hours sleep at age 3 Mothers do not gain excess weight in pregnancy Babies are Breastfed Steady Weight Gain in 1 st Year of Life No solid food before 4 months of age Parents are a Healthy Weight Less than 8 hours screen time a week at 3 years Playing Outside Every Day Eating Fruit and Vegetables Every Day Avoid Sugar Containing Drinks

Mobilising System Wide Action Focusing and aligning action through the 10 steps Quantifying change and setting ambitious goals Action in key settings (Communities; NHS; Pre- schools; Workplace) with measurable benchmarks Tools for monitoring change Information on what works and supporting sharing best practice Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health

Monitoring and Evaluation System level outcomes via Child Measurement Programme Monitoring 10 steps –Current data on Breastfeeding; Adult Obesity –Potential for routine data relating to maternal weight gain in pregnancy –Considering tracking survey with parents Standardised tools to support local monitoring and evaluation All measures should have an inequalities comparison Annual report card on progress for Wales Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health

Early Years Settings Review of Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme Revision of measures to reflect evidence base and 10 steps Additional funding to local schemes to focus specifically on Childhood Obesity in the most disadvantaged communities Dr Julie Bishop, Consultant in Public Health