Saber/Conocer in-Class Project
Instrucciones… You are going to show “what you know” in a mini-project. You can choose to do this project as a poster, or as a computer presentation (paper projects will be 2-sided, Computer/iPad projects will be presentations of 8 slides) You will write 4 sentences using SABER correctly and 4 Sentences using CONOCER correctly. For each sentence, include one picture/drawing. 2 sentences (1 SABER; 1 CONOCER) can be about yourself, the rest must use other subjects (él, ella, nosotros, tú, etc.) All verb forms must be conjugated correctly depending on the subject.
Paper Example (double-sided): Make sure you include 4 SABER sentences and 4 CONOCER sentences
Computer/iPad Example: Mi mamá sabe hablar español You can choose to create a 2-sided collage, or a Google Slide presentation in Drive. All work must be shared with me at
**Remember** Saber v. Conocer SABER (to know) information how to do something facts CONOCER (to know) To be familiar with something to know a person
Rubric: Content Included only 2 sentences Included 3 sentences Included 5 sentences Included 7 sentences Included 8 complete sentences Grammar Many errors; repeating Multiple errors; in spelling/gra mmar Some (5+) errors in spelling/gra mmar A few (3) errors in spelling/gra mmar No spelling or grammar errors. Neatness/Eff ort On paper in only pencil; messy; not legible No color, very little effort evident Color, some effort evident Color, effort evident and neatly organized Very neat, effort very evident; colorful Correct uses of SABER/ CONOCER No correct uses of S/C Multiple errors in uses of S/C Some (5+) errors in Uses of S/C A few (3) errors in uses of S/C Perfect conjugation and uses of S/C TOTAL: _____/20