DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute Dave Wilcox Global Skills Exchange Corp. Alexandria, Virginia
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute WHAT ARE CREDENTIALS? Educational degrees and certificates Professional and industry certifications Apprenticeship certificates Digital badges and other micro-credentials Licenses New forms likely to be invented 2
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Fragmented, multi-layered, complex “system” that doesn’t work well for employers, individuals or educators. Highly diverse and decentralized Many actors Policies struggle to keep up with new developments Many different types of credentials: Different purposes Different quality assurance Different metrics Credentialing Marketplace Range of students served and range of needs for credentials is greater than ever. Employers have trouble finding people with the skills they need. Many students lack clear pathways to credentials People receive education and training from an array of providers, which adds to the confusion of what credentials mean and how they connect. 3
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute KEY THEMES Building trust in the assessment and validation of competencies represented by different kinds of credentials Improving portability of credentials within education, within labor markets and across both Informing learner decision-making about credentials Assuring the labor market relevance of credentials Informing employer decision-making about credentials 4
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute FROM DIALOGUE TO ACTION National Dialogue Website: E- conversations National Summit Right Skills--AACC 5
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute VISION – COMPREHENSIVE LERNER RECORD6
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute CREDENTIAL REGISTRY – CREDENTIAL TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE7 Credential registry Public Linked data Quality assurance
DEFINE…MEASURE…OPTIMIZE™™ Proprietary Restricted Information: Do not copy, cite, or distribute Focus on Competencies----That is what the employer and the learner care about Promote bundling and stacking—forward or backward or laterally Think about---Continuing Competence? Quality is an end to end matter-from concept to design to execution to use KEY ISSUES 8