Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Introduction to Microsoft PPT
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Introduction to Microsoft PPT ▼ Summary of Microsoft PPT: Provides tools to create professional presentations which when used effectively, can concisely convey key information. ▼ Outline of PPT Presentation: Introduction to using and manipulating shapes, images, and other objects. Introduction to PPT templates. Tips and tricks including how to organize presentations, compress ppts. How to view and navigate a ppt presentation. 2
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Creating a New PPT 3 ▼ To create a new PPT, click on the Office Button, then click on the New button.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Click on Blank and then Create 4
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Saving Your PPT Presentation 5 ▼ To save your ppt presentation, click the Office button, then click on the arrow next to “Save As”. ▼ You’ll see a number of options, each with an explanation. ▼ Select PowerPoint Presentation.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Saving Your PPT Presentation 6 ▼ Select the folder where you want to save your ppt. ▼ Type the File name and then click “Save”. ▼ Helpful hint: You can save your ppt at any time by clicking and holding “Ctrl” and then clicking “s”.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Correctly Creating a New Slide ▼ To add a new slide, click the arrow below New Slide in the Home menu, and select the slide design you want. ▼ For a slide with bullets, select Title and Content. 7
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Creating a Text Slide ▼ Utilize Bullet Structure to keep slides organized. To create sub-bullets, hit “Tab” key −This can be done to create sub-sub-bullets as well. To return to next level up press and hold Shift key, then press “Tab” key. ▼ This will also ensure the text font and colors are the same on all of your slides based on your Template. You can use other slide layouts to quickly create the design you want. 8
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Changing Text Font ▼ To change the font of the entire set of text in proportion, click the text box. Then from the Home menu, click the small “A. ▼ To make text larger, click the large “A”. 9
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Graphics in Microsoft PPT ▼ Graphics Adding Pictures −Editing, resizing, positioning Adding shapes (circles, arrows, squares, etc). −Modifying size, position, color, and other details Grouping graphics and editing positions in foreground/background Text boxes 10
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Adding Pictures 11 ▼ To add a picture, click on the “Insert” menu, then click on “Picture”.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Navigate to Picture Pictures (continued) 12 ▼ Navigate to the picture you wish to insert.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Inserting Pictures (Continued) ▼ As an alternative, you can also directly past pictures into a PPT slide. ▼ To do this, copy the picture, for example from the file explorer by right clicking and selecting copy or highlighting the picture and pressing Ctrl+C. ▼ Click on the slide you wish to paste the picture in and select “Paste” in the Home menu or click Ctrl+P. 13
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Formatting Pictures 14 ▼ To access a wide range of picture formatting tools, click on a picture, then click on the “Format” menu.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Cropping Pictures 15 ▼ To crop pictures, click on the picture, then click on the “Crop” button in the Format menu. Click and drag to crop as needed.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Cropping Pictures 16
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Rotate and Flip Picture 17 ▼ To rotate a picture, click “Rotate” in the Format menu, then choose an option.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Changing Picture Sizes 18 ▼ To change the size of an image, modify the height and width in the Format menu.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Swapping Pictures After Formatting 19 ▼ To swap pictures, click “Change Picture” in the Format menu. ▼ This will preserve all formatting you’ve done.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Shapes 20 ▼ To add shapes, select “Shapes” in the Insert menu and choose from the variety of shapes.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Shapes 21 ▼ Click and drag to create a shape. ▼ To rotate a shape, click on the green circle and drag. ▼ To make a shape bigger or smaller, click on the white circles and drag.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Editing Shapes 22 ▼ To edit the shape properties, right click the shape and select “Format Shape…”
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Editing Shapes 23 ▼ Ability to edit: ▼ Fill ▼ Line Color ▼ Line Style ▼ Shadow ▼ Picture ▼ Text in Shape
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Select your line color as red 24
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Organizing Several Graphics 25 ▼ To change order of objects in layer (top to bottom), right click on object, and select “Bring to Front”-> −“Bring to Front” to bring to forward most layer −“Bring Forward” to move forward one layer. “Send to Back”-> −“Send to Back” to send to back most layer. −“Send Backward” to move one layer back.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Organizing Several Graphics 26 ▼ Objects can be move from top layer to bottom layer as needed to create appearance desired.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Grouping Objects for Resizing/Movement 27 ▼ To group objects, left click and drag to highlight all objects you wish to group as shown.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Grouping Objects for Resizing/Movement 28 ▼ You should see the outline of each object you highlighted as shown.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Grouping Objects for Resizing/Movement 29 ▼ Right click on any of the objects, and click on Group- >Group.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Grouping Objects for Resizing/Movement 30 ▼ If you move and/or resize the grouped object, all sub- objects will be move/resized proportionally to preserve the appearance of the grouped objects.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Ungrouping Objects 31 ▼ To ungroup the Objects, right click on the object, then click Group- >Ungroup
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Text Boxes 32 ▼ To place a text box, click on “Text Box” in the “Insert” menu.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Example of Text Box 33 ▼ Click where you want to place the text box, then type some text.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Example of Text Box 34 ▼ To change the color of the text, click on the text box, then click on the Color Selector
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Example of Text Box 35 ▼ To add outline to text box or change other advanced properties, right click on text box and select “Format Shape…”
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Example of Text Box 36 ▼ You can add an outline by selecting “Line Color” and choosing “Solid Line” and a color.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Text Box Example 37 Example of text box.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Creating PPT Templates 38 ▼ Once created, allows you to produce presentations with standardized look and feel. ▼ Provides ability to add organization logos and relevant information. Distribution Statements Date and Name of Meeting ▼ Ensures presentation formatting is maintained when combined with the “slide layout” functionality to be discussed.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Select the Slide Master View 39 ▼ Click on the View menu then click on “Slide Master”
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Starting with Themes ▼ Microsoft PPT provides a preset selection of Themes which you can start with. ▼ These are found in the Slide Master menu under Themes. 40
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Creating PPT Template 41 ▼ You should see a number of master slides. ▼ Slide #1 should be the Default Design Slide Master ▼ Slide #2 should be the title slide layout. ▼ The remaining slides are Masters for other layouts.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Adding Date, Slide number, Title, etc 42 ▼ To add adaptive elements such as page number, date, etc, click on “Master Layout” and check the elements you want”.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Adding Logos to PPT Template 43 ▼ Click on “Default Design Slide Master” which should be slide #1 in the Slide Master view. ▼ Add any logos you want to appear on all main body slides.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Adding Logos to PPT Template 44 ▼ Add Pictures, Shapes, or Clip Art and position as desired on the slide Master. ▼ Anything done to this Default Design Master Slide will apply to ALL slides.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Adding Logos to PPT Template 45 You will see the same design on all of your slides.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution All Slides Match Template 46
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Changing Title Slide Master 47 ▼ Click on the “Title Slide Layout” slide in the Slide Master list (should be slide #2). ▼ Add any logos you want to appear on the Title Slide ONLY.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Grabbing Screen Shots ▼ To grab a screen capture (for example of SeaVision): Click on the “PrtSc” button on your keyboard to capture the screen shot. Click on the slide you wish to paste the screen capture, hold the “Ctrl” button and click the “v” key to paste the screen shot or select “Paste” from the Home menu. 48
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Compressing Pictures ▼ To minimize the size of your PPT presentation, you will want to compress your pictures. ▼ Select Compress Pictures in the Picture Format menu. 49
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Strategies for PPT Slide Text and Keeping Notes ▼ Text on slides should be bullet summaries. Try not to read slides when presenting ▼ Use notes to elaborate on bullets in slide and keep audience engaged. Each slide has a notes page at the bottom of the page. Notes can be printed for your reference during presentation. 50
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Important Steps Prior to Sending/Presenting your PPT ▼ Perform spell check on your PPT using. Spell check is available under Review menu->Spelling. Modules for different languages available. ▼ Go through entire ppt in “Slide Show” mode to ensure slides appear as desired, all pictures, text, and graphics are aligned, etc. 51
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution PPT Views 52 ▼ To view all slides in sorted layout, click slide sorter in the View menu or the slide sorter button in the bottom right.
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution PPT Views 53 ▼ To view slide show, click on Slide Show in View menu, Slide Show button in lower right, or press F5 (top of keyboard).
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Slide Show Controls ▼ Arrow right -One slide forward ▼ Arrow left – One slide backward ▼ “Esc” - exit slide show mode ▼ “Home” – jump to first slide ▼ “End” – jump to last slide ▼ Number (i.e. 12) followed by “Enter” – jump to specific slide number. 54
Distribution Statement A: Unlimited Distribution Questions 55