Best practices and beyond Jennifer Fisher & Megan Fisher
Institutional Foundation Charged with fundraising for your College or University CU Foundation PPCC Foundation Community Foundation Grant making foundations that pool donations and are regional Denver Foundation Pikes Peak Foundation Private Foundation Individual or family Daniels Fund Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Basics
The Essential CU Foundation Video
Endowment Principal Distributions or Earnings Current Fund or Gift Fund Agreement Restricted Fund MOU Common Terminology
Read the instructions carefully Revisions Actual tuition and fees Computer purchase Child care Health insurance Cost of Attendance Forms
Communication is key Meet with development officers proactively Discuss the most pressing needs you see Give the foundation statistics they can present to potential donors Respond to inquiries in timely manner Explain financial aid terminology Hear the request first hand (if possible) Communication is Key
Do they have specific goals? Send it to them foundation? Send the university a check? What to do when a donor calls?
Financial aid is cyclical Plan ahead to make sure you get special projects done in our “down time” Be flexible with requests Timing is everything
Collecting thank you letter from students is essential Tie disbursement to the thank you letter Provide students with guidelines Pictures Gifts from the students Say Thank You
Keep some nominations on hand When you meet an amazing person or hear a great story Future speakers Featured in an article Students who are in dire circumstances Runners up Keep a list
Know what scholarships are offered how students can apply Know the odds Include them scholarships in presentations Remind students of deadlines Social Media s Postcards How to help students
Have students sign a release: FERPA Legal Presence Video or Press Get a release
Timing is everything Fiscal years Grant periods Respond quickly
Merit based scholarships should be awarded on academic merit or other ability It’s about the best fit for the scholarship donor Don’t try to fit a square peg into a round hole! It’s not all about need
What does involvement look like? When is it appropriate? IRS regulations Donor Involvement in Selection
Listen What is their vision? Discuss challenges constructively There is no such thing as a small gift Dress to impress Working with Donors
Gray areas Exceptions to the rule Remember the students you are helping Communicate When things get hard….
Review the fund agreement or MOU Don’t be afraid to ask! When in doubt