NAAPS AGM 2011 Martin Ewing, Chair
Our values We consulted with our members to establish our shared vision, mission and aims, based on these values: We believe people should be in control of their services and able to pursue ordinary, valued lives within their chosen families, relationships and communities.
Our aims You asked us to focus our work on: Supporting you when you needed it most. Producing useful and timely guidance, products and training. Helping you get your voices heard, locally and nationally. Raising awareness. We worked with groups of carers and scheme workers to find a new name to help us in raising awareness.
New resources and support for members Expanded support for Scotland with new post funded by Scottish Government (Angus). New focus on Shared Lives carers, with a new communications and engagement post funded by Monument Trust (Tris). New support for micro-enterprises from a post funded by the Department of Health (Simon). Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year We provided: One to one support and guidance to 150 schemes. Support and advice to 600 Shared Lives carers, including 150 in crisis. 20 local group visits. Free legal helpline and cover to all members. Optional tailored insurance products. A new approach to training purchased by schemes. We worked with our social enterprise, Community Catalysts, to bring our values to new audiences and to generate income.
Highlights of the Year Our membership grew in most categories: YearShared Lives Carers Carer membership growth Shared Lives Schemes Small Community Service members Homeshare members % % %
Highlights of the Year We helped to bring Shared Lives to new groups: Shared Lives promoted as a new choice to older unpaid family carers in Scotland. A partnership and campaign on supporting parents with learning disabilities and their children. We raised awareness of Shared Lives as a ‘personalised’ service, compatible with Direct Payments. We produced guidance on support carers, who pays for what, transport, tax, outsourcing decisions…
Shared Lives members being heard by decision makers: Shared Lives outperformed all other forms of regulated care - again. UK: clarification on Winter Fuel and other benefits issues. Wales: working with Welsh Government to implement new training requirements and minimum standards. England: CQC joint statement and best ever ratings. Scotland: support and funding from Scottish Government. Highlights of the Year
Our members being heard by decision makers: Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Growth Review committed government and NAAPS to tackle red tape facing micro-entrepreneurs, with a ‘map’ produced by NAAPS. New guides on developing Homeshare programmes. Highlights of the Year
We raised awareness of our members’ work You and Yours on Radio 4 The Guardian Society Community Care magazine: articles, column etc A blog, Twitter, a re-designed website Articles in a number of journals Highlights of the Year
Reports and research Joseph Rowntree Foundation report on ageing COPA at St Margaret’s evaluating older carers project Esmee Fairbairn grant for SWAPS on dementia Kent University evaluating Shared Lives A number of other researchers seeking funding Highlights of the Year
Our future We are redoubling our awareness-raising work under a new name which we think will help. We need to help Shared Lives carers and schemes survive and thrive in these turbulent times. We need to work together more as a network, with Shared Lives carers at the heart of our work. Our financial position is strengthening after a difficult year.
Thanks Thanks to our members Members involved in governance, seminars, training The working groups and committees Member-to-member support Those who have contributed stories, practice examples and have been interviewed We are nothing without our members.
Thanks Thanks to our Partners and allies The governments of the home nations The professional bodies The regulators Joseph Rowntree Foundation, COPA, Kent University CHANGE Our funders: Bailey Thomas, The Monument Trust, The Scottish Government, The Department of Health
Alex Fox, CEO, NAAPS, Sian Lockwood, CEO, Community Catalysts Contact details