Joshua S. Williams Environmental Health Manager 04/20/2015 Garfield County Board of Health Meeting
Heather Nara, Mesa County Health Department, has started inspecting licensed food establishments in Rifle, Parachute, and Battlement Mesa Held Food Handlers training at Rifle Library April 8 th, 2015; approximately 55 folks attending
GCPH to begin with Child care facilities and schools There are no permitting dollars for this category There would be some grant dollars available for GCPH funding.
There are currently 72 of these types of establishments Partnering with CDPHE and MCHD for training
This will be about.3 to.5 FTE of total inspections load Begin in Middle of 2015, build toward 2016 calendar year for full implementation
There are currently 37 child care facilities in GC. 5 inspected 2 times per year, 21 inspected 1 times per year, 11 inspected 1 time every 2 years. There are 35 schools in GC; 10 inspected 1 time per year, and 25 inspected 1 time every 3 years. Again, these do not receive licensing dollars.
Delegated authority for licensing and inspecting Temporary events and vendors Temporary licensing fees would come directly to Garfield County program and are not included in the funding provided by CDPHE. This will increase the workload, but would also help to fill the funding gap.
Currently unknown number of Temporary/Special Event Establishments operating in Garfield County Annual permit is $ Project that at least 100 with known fairs, festivals, and markets in GC 100 X $255 = $25,500 (conservative projection)
3 FTE: 2 EHS (EHS III and EHS I level operatives) 1 Administrative support (permitting) (This would bring the GCEH up to 7 FTE’s)
Personnel: EHS III=$52,000 EHS I=$42,000 Admin= $30,000 Total Pers.$124,000 + $45,261 Benefits $169,261 New Personnel Costs
Travel:$5,000 Training:$3,000 Supplies: $500
Equipment: Initial investment covered by the CDPHE, approximately $30,000 (computers and software) $1,000 for initial inspection gear Total Proposed Annual Budget:$178,761 Total Monies Provided by CDPHE$ 93,000 Gap$ 85,761
Josh Williams Environmental Health Manager Garfield County Public Health