Ecological Succession
Do Now 5/11/16 When you see the word Pioneer what do you think of?
Ecological Succession A series of more-or- less predictable changes that occur in a community over time Ecosystems change over time Some species die out other species move in
2 Types of succession Primary No remnants of older community Pioneer species First species to establish itself Ex: lichen (fungus & algae). Lupine at Mt. St. Helens Secondary Community not completely destroyed Organism come back Quicker than primary succession
Succession Why does it occur? Changes in environment Organisms within ecosystem affect environment Wolves of Yellowstone Lichen Natural disasters Floods, tornadoes, tropical storms Human causes Farming Clear cutting
Climax community An ecosystem that reaches a stable capacity Through succession
Succession worksheet Read the front page then answer the questions on back Work on vocabulary: Due Friday 5/13 Complete exit ticket and place in folder on cupboard
Exit ticket Explain the difference between primary and secondary succession What is a pioneering species?