Theme The theme of a literary work is the author’s most significant philosophical assertion about human nature or the human experience. The author may be drawing conclusions about subjects such as the purpose of human existence, love, death, fear, cultural values, or faith to name a few. The theme of a literary work is the author’s most significant philosophical assertion about human nature or the human experience. The author may be drawing conclusions about subjects such as the purpose of human existence, love, death, fear, cultural values, or faith to name a few. Note that the author’s theme is an argument about or a comment on a given subject.
Thesis Statement The thesis statement argues the theme of the literary work; thus, the thesis provides an interpretation of the whole text. The thesis is always the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The thesis is one sentence of twenty-five words or less. The thesis statement argues the theme of the literary work; thus, the thesis provides an interpretation of the whole text. The thesis is always the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The thesis is one sentence of twenty-five words or less.
Poor Thesis Statements The theme of William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is love. This thesis simply identifies one of the play’s major subjects, love, but makes no specific argument about it. As presented in his play, what is Shakespeare’s opinion on the subject of love?
Are these poor thesis statements? Edgar Allen Poe’s work was affected greatly by the current events of his life, and these events changed the style and subject of his works. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore. Edgar Allen Poe’s work was affected greatly by the current events of his life, and these events changed the style and subject of his works. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore.
An Imprecise Thesis Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn suggests that the true expression of American ideals is found in nature, far from “civilized” society. This thesis does not identify the novel’s subject, namely racial equality. This thesis is limited to where racial equality is found rather than explaining Twain’s specific argument about human nature, ie. racism is unnatural. So, a proper thesis would argue that it is natural for people to treat each other with love and dignity regardless of ethnicity. This thesis does not identify the novel’s subject, namely racial equality. This thesis is limited to where racial equality is found rather than explaining Twain’s specific argument about human nature, ie. racism is unnatural. So, a proper thesis would argue that it is natural for people to treat each other with love and dignity regardless of ethnicity.
Strong Thesis Statements Shakespeare’s Macbeth advances that unbridled ambition irrevocably corrupts people, eradicating their noble character. The Crucible demonstrates how hysterical fear undermines human integrity. Hawthorne’s short stories consistently call for compassionate love among fellows instead of ignoble presumptions to moral superiority.