All Hands on Deck for Success: An Online Orientation Project March 21, 2016 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN1
Welcome! Your Presenters: Steve Boldt Director of Online Development, Educational Innovation Keri Johnson Project Manager, Summer Term and Educational Innovation Haley Kerkhoff Instructional Technologist, Educational Innovation UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN2
Online Orientation Project Overview Inception Development Deployment Evaluation UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN3
Project Inception Origins of the Online Course Design Committee Committee Objective: Develop an online course ISD process that has a common set of design standards, nomenclature, and tools so that the quality of the online course and faculty development experience are consistent across campus development units. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN4
Project Inception Origins of the Online Course Design Committee (con’t) Committee Deliverables: 1. Common design standards 2. Common ISD kick-off process 3. Common scoping document to estimate work 4. Plan for infrastructure support UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN5
Course Design & Development Process for Summer Online Courses UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN6
Online Course Design & Development Scoping Standards UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN7
Project Inception Origins of the Online Orientation Project 2014 Pre/Post Assessment Results UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN8
Project Development Design Rationale Multiple but complementary forms & distribution methods Audience scope maintained for pilot: Undergraduate online audience Scalable across the university UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN9
Project Development Built four interdependent elements Welcome Letter Template Informational Webpage “Online Course Example” Site “Start Here” Module UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN10
Welcome Letter Template UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN11
Informational Webpage UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN12
“Online Course Example” Site UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN14
Project Development Process Collaborative and iterative process led to rapid improvements. Quality Matters © focus Quality Matters UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN15
Project Deployment Engage stakeholders Instructors Instructional Designers Curricular representatives/Student Services Students Deployment Welcome Letter Template Informational Webpage “Online Course Example” Site “Start Here” Module Timeline January - May UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN16
Description with Customized Link UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN17 Description with Generic Link
Project Evaluation 2014 Pre/Post-Assessment as baseline 2015 Pre/Post-Assessment included a resource question UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN18
Project Evaluation Key Takeaways More students (increase of 11%) very much liked their online experience in 2015 compared to The most helpful resources were the instructor s (68%) and the introductory module (43%). The subpopulation that used the information webpage (KB) tended to dislike their experience. Students who liked their online course tended to cite more often (~18%) that they used no resource. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN19
Project Evaluation Key Takeaways (con’t) Inter- and intrapersonal aspects of online courses tend to be rated as less than face-to-face counterparts Students reported increased levels of instructor interaction (by 8%) compared to UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN20
Discussion What are some of the benefits and challenges of developing a “one size fits all” online orientation? What should be considered when applying this to an adult student audience? Could this compliment retention strategies? Could this practice have any policy implications? UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN22
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