Kentucky Virtual Campus Allen Lind, Vice President Myk Garn, Executive Director Council on Postsecondary Education January 25, 2007
VISION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT KYVC aspires to create a technology-supported, lifelong learning environment that results in better lives for Kentucky’s people. KYVC serves as a statewide advocate for access to learning through technology, a convener of partners that use resources effectively, and a catalyst for innovation and excellence in eLearning.
AN ADVOCATE FOR AWARENESS AND EXPANDING ACCESS Expanding Access: KYVC increases educational opportunities by using technology to overcome barriers of location, time, and physical challenges, giving all Kentuckians the chance to succeed. Creating Awareness: KYVC attracts Kentucky’s people to technology-based lifelong learning opportunities through marketing and serves as an information clearinghouse to the educational community. KYVC GOALS:
A CONVENER OF PARTNERS Fostering Collaboration: KYVC promotes statewide collaborations among K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and workforce agencies that sustain lifelong learning. Leveraging Resources: KYVC takes advantage of economies of scale through collaborative activities as a good steward of the public’s resources. KYVC GOALS:
A CATALYTIC INCUBATOR Informing Planning and Decisionmaking: KYVC collects, analyzes, and uses statewide and benchmark data to determine needs, make decisions, and assess the impact of eLearning. Incubating eLearning Excellence: KYVC fosters innovative technologies that enhance the quality and accessibility of eLearning. KYVC GOALS:
Kentucky Virtual Sisters
eLearning Reduce COSTS Improve QUALITY Expand ACCESS
Distance Learning: Going Mainstream 3.1 million enrollments up 82% 1998 to 2001 Postsecondary institutions offered online courses – 62.5 % nationally – 69.0 % in the SREB states –100 % Kentucky 48 % increase in the number of students taking all their courses at a distance in the last 3 years. 55 % of students receiving a degree or credential took at least one online course #1 among 16 Southern States for percent of instruction delivered through eLearning for public 2-year colleges #3 for 4-year colleges and universities Michigan now requires an online course to graduate high school
Kentucky Virtual Campus 55,964 students served in 2005 –34 years old, 70 % female, and over 75 % are from a rural county. Online Course Catalog with over 1,400 courses and 100 programs. 24/7/365 Live Support received over 50,000 calls and s Revolving Loan Fund and Design Services Training e-Commerce Excellence Awards
Virtual Library Serves Almost All Kentucky Libraries Over 40 Databases, 76,000 Publications, 28,000 Full-text Resources, 557,016 Images, and 2000 Maps 1 Million Searches a Month Delivery of Interlibrary Loan Materials Online Tutorial on how to Use the Internet to Conduct Effective Research Digital Library of Photographs, Diaries, Letters, and More From Across Kentucky Virtual Reference Desk Over $10 Million in Savings and Equitable Access to Resources Through Collaboration
Current Initiatives Reorganization Learning Objects - SCORE Student Information System Customer Resource Management Internet2 Peer Review of Courses Statewide 24/7 Call Center RFP Gohigher