ENG 3UI I.S.U. Presentation Displays Exemplars Mrs. Frayne
Display Purpose Use the skills you obtained through our Media unit and create a display that attracts an audience. Use the skills you obtained through our Media unit and create a display that attracts an audience. The display should teach the audience about your ISU topic (linking the novel to history). The display should teach the audience about your ISU topic (linking the novel to history).
DO : Use your creativity! (props, costumes, images, audio/visual, etc.) Use your creativity! (props, costumes, images, audio/visual, etc.) Create a display that is eye-catching, well organized, clear and unified. Create a display that is eye-catching, well organized, clear and unified. Organize display using larger size headings that guide your audience. Organize display using larger size headings that guide your audience. Create unity with similar colours, font, backgrounds; consider contrast. Create unity with similar colours, font, backgrounds; consider contrast. Make your thesis clear on the display. Make your thesis clear on the display. Include textual evidence from the novel that supports your thesis. Include textual evidence from the novel that supports your thesis.
DO NOT: Simply print out sections of your report and paste them on your display. Simply print out sections of your report and paste them on your display. Use paragraphs to present content. Use paragraphs to present content. Use a small font size (16pt—should be the smallest). Use a small font size (16pt—should be the smallest). Leave large, empty spaces on display; however, DO leave some white space between sections to avoid clutter. Leave large, empty spaces on display; however, DO leave some white space between sections to avoid clutter.
Sample Sketch for a Display The Crucible Influenced by the McCarthy Era, Arthur Miller, in his play The Crucible, reveals the tragedy that results from paranoia and irrational thinking.
Weak Displays Eye-catching props, but limited content, empty space, unclear headings Content unorganized; unbalanced empty space No one wants to read full paragraphs Thesis is unclear in each Small font size
“Stronger” Displays Eye-catching colour, images and props Content well organized using clear headings and mounted on coloured paper. Novel titles clear Thesis clearly displayed Extras: costume, props, audio-visual, interactive game
Create a display that you would want to look at yourself. You already have the content in your written report—NOW you must present it in a visual way.