If you want to feel fit you'd better... (1). Everyone must do all he can to be... (2). Good health is better than the best... (3). All kinds of... (4) are very useful to make our bodies strong.... (5) must be an important part of our daily life. Good... (6) is better than wealth. Doing sports; health; go in for sport; physical exercises; healthy; medicine
непросеянная мука уравновешенный, гармоничный, сбалансированный мозг ценность преимущество вес
eat between meals smoke skip breakfast eat sweets do morning exercises go to the dentist eat fruit and vegetables play sport games eat low fat food
YYou should eat … fat food to loose your weight. YYou should walk … to be healthy. YYou should eat … fruit and vegetables. They are useful for your health. DDoctors advise to smoke … and to exercise …. YYou should eat … sugar-rich foods. YYou should eat … fiber-rich foods.