Application of the flipped classroom to Pediatric education in Emergency Medicine residency curriculum Rose E †, Claudius I †, Tabatabai R †, Kearl L †, Behar S †, Jhun P ‡ † Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center; ‡ USCF, San Francisco General Hospital BACKGROUND CURRICULAR DESIGN EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Condense core Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) curriculum to online lectures Utilize class time for interactive sessions Assess resident satisfaction via Likert scale Record completion rate of preparatory materials Twelve approximately 10-minute lectures highlighting topics from the APLS course were filmed and integrated with an online service Zaption ( Questions were integrated into the lectures to reinforce concepts. Explanations to incorrect question responses were given in real time. One half of residents were randomized to view online lectures uninterrupted (Group A) while the remainder (Group B) viewed with integrated questions (3 per 10 minute lecture). The residents were expected to view the lectures prior to an in-class session (total viewing time approximately 2 ½ hours). The 2 hour in- class session included 4 simulation and 3 procedure stations with 6 PEM faculty available for higher level management discussion throughout the stations. A pre- test and post-test was given to assess learning. The flipped classroom reverses traditional lecture and homework elements in which learning materials are given in advance and allowing class time for active learning exercises. This educational approach is theorized to improve learner engagement, retention and allows for more complex learning during class.
Application of the flipped classroom to Pediatric education in Emergency Medicine residency curriculum Rose E †, Claudius I †, Tabatabai R †, Kearl L †, Behar S †, Jhun P ‡ †Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center; ‡UCSF, San Francisco General Hospital RESULTS In both years, residents demonstrated improved performance on the post-test (Table 1). When asked on a Likert scale, all residents strongly preferred online lectures to live lectures and the majority preferred interactive questions within the online lectures. The residents were asked anonymously percentage of lectures viewed. In both years, 14/17 reported viewing all of the lectures. In 2015 the video log was reviewed and notably only one resident actually viewed all of the lectures. Test scores improved and resident satisfaction was high with this educational innovation Course completion rates may need to be monitored for successful implementation CONCLUSIONS Special thanks to Mel Herbert, Aaron Bright and the HIPPO EM team for countless hours of filming and editing. An extra special thanks to Paul Jhun for his tremendous effort and investment in this project YearPre-test scorePost-test score 2014 N=16 55% (42-63) A (n=8)B (n=9) 89% (79-100%) 87% (58-96%) 2015 N=16 71% (54-88) A (n=9)B (n=8) 75% (58-83%) 87% (79-96%)