Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management WSINF – WYŻSZA SZKOŁA INFORMATYKI (THE COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE), LODZ, POLAND System of National Qualifications and legislation in Poland related to JD studies
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management System of National Qualifications and legislation in Poland related to JD studies System of National Qualifications and legislation in Poland related to JD studies Jd - joint degree – within projects under CD - Curriculum Development Socrates-Erasmus scheme (joint integrated curricula leading to providing joint degree diploma for graduates) ACTUAL POLISH LEGISLATION IN RELATION TO PREPARATION BY HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF JOINT DEGREE
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management Source: consultation with representatives of the National Agency of the new Integrated Lifelong Learning European Union Programme for the years : FRSE – Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (Foundation for the Development of the Education System), – dated Dz.U. z 2005 r. Nr 164, poz. 1365; U S T A W A z dnia 27 lipca 2005 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym (the new Act on Higher Education in Poland dated ) Eurydice (the information network on education in Europe)
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management new Act - "Law on Higher Education" (1) On the 27 of July 2005 the Polish Parliament passed a new Act - "Law on Higher Education" prepared by the Presidential team of experts. It includes issues covered to date by three different acts : Act on Schools of Higher Education, Act on Higher Vocational Schools and Act on the Military Higher Education.
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management new Act - "Law on Higher Education" (2) The Act is a complex legislation regulating the rules and procedures for higher education in Poland. The new solutions adopted in the Act are to support the competitiveness of Polish higher education institutions and the implementation of the Bologna Process. The new act - "Law on Higher Education" is aiming at the better functioning of higher education institutions, increasing access to higher education, assuring of higher quality in teaching and compatibility with European higher education systems.
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management new Act - "Law on Higher Education" (3) The new Act has introduced a number of changes in the area of higher education, in particular: Introduction of regulations making possible the creation of HEI unions (both public and non-public HEIs) for implementation of common tasks Enhancing regulations assuring conditions for student mobility and comparing of the curricula, in particular through the introduction of obligatory ECTS system for accumulation and transfer of students' results. All HEIs' graduates receive a diploma with the supplement
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management new Act - "Law on Higher Education" (4) The new Act has introduced a number of changes in the area of higher education, in particular: Introduction of possibility to offer common courses of study for different HEIs and R&D institutions, including foreign ones with an option of issuing one diploma form one institution and a certificate confirming the involvement by other partner institution in the teaching process. Introduction of distance learning as one of the training methods Introduction of - as stated in the Bologna Declaration- three cycle studies. Vocational studies leading to the title of licencjat and inżynier will become 1st cycle studies, supplementary magister degree studies - 2nd cycle studies, and doctoral studies - 3rd cycle studies.
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management Further changes envisaged (1): Further opening of higher education to potential candidates Further development and improvement of quality of the education system Further development of doctoral studies Flexible training standards Increase in the numbers of students enrolled in mathematical and technical study courses Development of academic and research staff
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management Further changes envisaged (2): Promotion of innovation, stressing the importance of co-operation of HEIs with economic and social partners Adjusting education to the needs of the labour market Creation of better conditions for student and academic staff mobility Development of higher education system directed towards promoting of the life long learning Enhancing the importance of distance learning.
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management Current situation (1) Apart from general guidelines established within the new Act on Higher Education in Poland dated (Art. 164, Art. 167, Art.168) the executive regulations issued by respective ministries (the Ministry of Higher Education and Science) are missing. For instance the model of joint diploma has not been prepared yet. It has been undergoing a project phase for the last year and a half.
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management Current situation (2) YES Polish higher education institutions are allowed to develop joint degree curricula but they can provide the graduates only with diploma issued by the Polish institution involved in the common project. NO The Polish educational law do not envisage so far issuing joint diplomas (understood as one document signed by all participating parties responsible for joint educational process).
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management Current situation (3) Polish institution participating in such process should anticipate its international partners that the joint education can be terminated by issuing a DOUBLE DIPLOMA or MULTIPLY DIPLOMA depending on the number of partners (which means two or more documents instead of a joint one)
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management SYSTEM OF NATIONAL QUALIFICATION IN POLAND The similar situation refers to the System of National Qualification in Poland, which undergoes considerable changes introduction. The general guideline so far presented follows the main assumption that the recognition depends not on the name of a subject but on its content.
Klaipeda, LITHUANIA, International Meeting Joint Study Programme in International Business Management FINAL REMARK We are expecting the situation to be more favorable in coming months/ one year at the latest as soon as the executive regulation will come into force. We will inform the whole project partnership respectively. We are patiently waiting for the notice on new regulations in both matters (joint degrees and system of national qualifications).