1 Curriculum Advising - Changes to the Civil Engineering Curriculum and General Education (Both Effective Fall 2012) Curt B. Haselton, PhD, PE Chair and Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering California State University, Chico Curriculum Advising - Changes to the Civil Engineering Curriculum and General Education (Both Effective Fall 2012) Curt B. Haselton, PhD, PE Chair and Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering California State University, Chico
2 Purpose Purpose of this Presentation: To explain the recent CIVL curriculum revision. To explain the recent changes to the General Education requirements. To explain how this affects you and what classes you will take.
3 Goals of CIVL Curriculum Revision Revise curriculum to: Play to the strengths of the current faculty. Improve it and strengthen the courses for each of the sub-disciplines. Reduce units by four (this has been done in all Departments of the College, to weather the budget storm). Meet ABET accredidation need for senior capstone. Please see curriculum charts as we discuss (be sure you have a “Plan A” and “Plan B” sheet)…
4 CE Freshman Year: Comparison CIVL 110/131: Combine into CIVL 140 Professor Scolaro saw synergy between course content. CIVL 101: New Intro. to CIVL course. CIVL 175: Create a new GE course Current NSCI 102 does not meet needs of CIVL students. **Opportunity to get into the GE Sustainability Pathway.
5 CE Sophomore Year: Comparison CIVL 205: May still increase to 3-units (but not yet done). Strengthen the programming content in the course and add Matlab.
6 CE Junior Year: Comparison EECE 211: Remove from CE curriculum Only ½ of CE programs surveyed require Circuits. Students get some content in PHYS 204B. CIVL 461: See senior year. CIVL 302: Recreate class - “Engineering Risk and Economic Analysis.” This is a work in-progress.
7 CE Junior Year: Comparison CIVL 312: We love this class, but this was the “sacrificial lamb” to support the other curriculum improvements (i.e. adding CIVL 175 and 461).
8 CE Senior Year: Comparison CIVL 461: Create a new CE hydraulics course (shown later) Important CE topic; play to strengths of current faculty (Mehl). CIVL 402 turned into a Senior Capstone Design Experience (CIVL 595): Take the combination of two courses with a common comprehensive design project. Explain… Note: Each capstone class also has a “non-C” version.
9 Courses Phasing in and Out Fall 2011: CIVL 175 introduced CIVL 205 and 302 updated CIVL 110 and 312 no longer offered Spring 2012: CIVL 140 introduced CIVL 402 transitioned to CIVL 595 Fall 2012: CIVL 101 introduced CIVL 461 introduced
10 How Does this Affect What Classes I Take? The approach is as follows: You pick either Plan A (the old plan) or Plan B (the new plan). You have allowable substitutions that are pre-approved by the CE faculty for whatever plan you choose (please see bottoms of pages). The substitutions cover the transition period where we are phasing out the old courses and phasing in the new courses.
11 Some Specific Suggestions for You Take advantage of the new curriculum as much as you can. Take CIVL 175 instead of NSCI 102. Take something in place of Circuits (e.g. CIVL 461 in F12, etc.). Take CIVL 101 (if younger student before/with CIVL 311). Meet personally with your academic advisor if you have any specific questions. The one-on-one meeting is not required by most advisors this year, but is still a good idea.
12 General Education Revision (Eff. Fall 2012) To further complicate things, the General Education requirements have also been revised (effective F12). Advising Materials: See CIVL-modified GE matrix (explain); more specific guidance also being developed.
13 General Education Revision (Eff. Fall 2012) Summary of the New GE: Upper Division Themes have been replaced by Upper Division Pathways (effective Fall 2012). The new GE uses the “pathway” concept for all GE classes, including the lower-division. Even so, you are only required to stay in the Pathway for the upper division courses. If take >= 18 units in a Pathway, then you can get a minor. For CIVL students, the CIVL 175 and JOUR 130 courses also count toward some of the Pathway minors. There are new Writing Intensive (WI) requirements, but they do not apply to current students.
14 General Education Revision (Eff. Fall 2012) Specific Recommendations for CIVL students: Be careful to take USD and GC courses (sparse in some Pathways). If you are a younger student and have not taken your C and D general education courses, do a minor. I recommend that you do the Sustainability minor. This only takes one addition course to complete (which is also the case for some other Pathways). See your CIVL advisor if you want to do this. If you have taken one UD Theme course and need to take the second course, use the “GE Crosswalk” guide to determine which Pathway to take your second course in.
15 Unit Caps for Next Semester It looks like Chico State is going to impose unit caps for next semester (due to budgets), but CIVL students can submit a waiver since we are a high-unit major. Units caps: 17 units if you have >= 90 units (up to 21 in add/drop period with petition). 16 units if you have < 90 units (more by petition).
16 Summary CIVL curriculum updated (eff. F12). General education requirements updated (eff. F12). Unit caps for next semester. This make our lives fun to keep track of this all!
17 Upcoming CIVL Events CIVL Hike (watch for an ) Spring BBQ (watch for an ) May 11 th – CIVL Banquet (watch for an ) May 19 th – CIVL Graduation BBQ (watch for an )
18 Graduate School Think about the possibility of graduate school. Question: How will you be different from others in your field in 2030?
19 Questions? Suggestions? Question about all of this? Suggestions regarding the CIVL Department? Please let me know (come by my office)! Discussion of your questions…..