Inherited Traits
Two Types of Traits Inherited: This includes anything that you received from your parents….. In animals it can be any of the following: hair color, eye color, etc. In plants it could be flavor of fruit, types of seeds they produce, etc.
Acquired : Acquired traits that are not passed on genetically, they gained after birth. Such as large muscle tone from performing repetitive movements.
Two Types of Behaviors Innate/Instinct: Behaviors that the animals are born knowing how to do. Some examples are walking, eating, hiding/running from predators, etc. (Sea Turtles going to ocean) Learned Behaviors: Behaviors that the animal/plant has to learn over time. Such as, learning to hunt, learning to fly, etc.
What are some traits you inherited from your parents?
What are some things you had to learn from your parents?
EX: Baby deer…What is innate and what is learned?
Ex: plants….what is innate and what is learned?
For your grade! 1. List 5 traits that you acquired. 2. List five traits which you inherited. 3. List at least three traits that are acquired in animals. 4. List at least three traits that are inherited in animals. 5. List at least three traits that plants inherit. 6. List one trait that plants acquire.