Eagle Band Parent Meeting 2016
Communication: Band Directors Calendar: Sign up for s on BPO Website: Follow on Facebook: Eagle Band 2016 Follow on Stay Tuned s 15 th and 30 th of the month. Photo Bucket:
Uniforms: Kathleen West:
Props: Glen Kelly: Overall Prop Manager Tobin Vehmeier: Prop Engineering and Construction Katie Dickerson: Prop Artistic Lead & Program Coordination Prop Till You Drop Meeting immediately following tonight’s Parent Meeting.
Pit Crew: Mike West:
Spirit Wear: Nolana Holloway : Show your Eagle Band Pride!
Band Camp: July 24 th -30th Send Off July 24 th Golden Nugget 10% Dining for Dollars Night 3-10pm.
Prairie Colors: Prairie Colors Volunteers: Sarah Schacht:
Fundraising: Scripts Kowalski’s Receipt Program Amazon Smile: Organization Name: Parent Booster USA Inc Eden Prairie Band Parent Organizati Car Washes/Brat Stands Watch for s with the dates for your section Restaurant Fundraising Nights. Planning Monthly-Watch Facebook for event dates 9/17 Eagle Band Fundraiser The Band Bash-November 4th
Get Involved: Come to BPO Meetings: Get updated information on all things EP Bands! Managed by Parents in support of the Band Program Meetings on the second Monday of every month starting September 12th. Everyone is welcome to attend. Volunteer Needed: Semi Truck Driver Must have CDL Must be available on weekends.
Director’s Update: Scott Palmer:
Payments: band-fees/# band-fees/# 1 st Payment of $200 due June 3 rd Pay by check or credit card Checks can made out to EPHS Bands can be either sent to Scott Palmer at: Scott Palmer Eden Prairie High School Valley View Rd. Eden Prairie, MN Or dropped off in the drop box outside of the Band Office. Pay online by credit card via Activities Fee Pay.
Payments: Link to access FeePay: band/eagle-band-fees/ band/eagle-band-fees/ Scroll down to the Fee Payment Section and click on the "Pay Now" link under "Marching Band Fee."
Payments: Parents need to pay the "Marching Band Fees Due 6/9/16" before the end of the school year to be enrolled in Eagle Band.
Payments: Pay any of the others before the specified Due Dates: - Marching Band Fees DUE 9/15/16 ($200) - Marching Band Fees Due 10/16/16 ($200) - Marching Band at Eden Prairie High School ($150 Activity Fee due 11/19/16 Please note that fees paid via check or FeePay cannot be refunded. Any families using money from student accounts will need to pay using the student account and write a check for the remaining balance.
Mark Your Calendars: 7/11-7/15: Welcome Week 7/13: Pie Five Fundraiser 4-10pm 7/24: Band Camp Send off Celebration/Fundraiser at The Golden Nugget! 2-7pm 8/10: Chipotle Fundraiser 5-10pm TBD: State Fair Parade TBD: Parent Preview 9/12: 1 st BPO Meeting of the Year! 9/10: Prairie Colors/Eastview Show 9/17: Eagle Band Fundraiser 9/24: Rosemount/Irondale Show 9/30: Homecoming Football 10/8: Youth In Music State Competition 10/21-10/23: Bands of America Super Regional-St. Louis, MO 11/4: Band Bash 2016!