Title: Just war and holy war Explain why some religious believers are prepared to fight in a war. (3 marks) Peer assess: A mark for each if mentioned There must be a just cause Right intention Promote good and avoid evil If last resort No civilians (normal people) to be involved.
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Homework Who is the Dalai Lama? How does he promote peace? 1.9 AND 8 A*/A – Write an information page detailing how he has promoted peace and why with good analysis. 2.7/6 B – Write a paragraph explaining how he promotes peace 3.5/4 C – Explain who the Dalai Lama is and his views on peace
Subtitle: What is a Just War? Christian thinkers developed conditions for when they think it is ‘just’ (right) to go to war. These are: 1.A just cause (like self defence) 2.Declared by a leader (Prime Minister, United Nations) 3.Have good intention 4.Be a last resort 5.Be a chance of succeeding (winning) 6.Use correct amount of violence (proportionate) 7.Good must outweigh evil An example of a Just War was WWII Task: Write down the above as a mind map/list(Grade C) Grade A/B: Do you agree with these conditions? Use a different coloured pen and write your reasons next to each one.
Sub-title: What is a Holy War? A war that has: 1.A religious aim/goal 2.A religious leader or God who authorised it 3.Those who take part believing they will be rewarded by God An example of a Holy War were the Crusades. Task 1: Write the above down (Grade C) Grade A/B: Explain if you agree or disagree with Holy Wars using a different coloured pen.
Your task… Create a poster OR mindmap OR information OR popplet page explaining: 1.What is a Just War 2.What is a Holy War (Grade C) 3.Compare and contrast a Holy War and Just War (Grade B) 4.Give examples of historical and current wars and explain if they are a Just or Holy War (A*/A) Resources: Google – BBC Ethics – Just War and Holy War Text book pages Information sheets
No pens Weds: Your task… Create a popplet page explaining: 1.What is a Just War 2.What is a Holy War (Grade C) 3.Compare and contrast a Holy War and Just War (Grade B) 4.Give examples and explain if they are a Just or Holy War (A*/A) Resources: /war/justwartheoryrev1.shtml /war/justwartheoryrev1.shtml Google – BBC Ethics – Just War and Holy War Text book pages Information sheets Create a poster using glue, gel pens, glitter glue and newspapers explaining what a Just War and a Holy War is
Debate… What is a holy war? Do you agree with them? Why? Why not? What is a Just war? Who came up with the idea and is it very Christian? Do you agree with all of the conditions? Why? Why not? How would a Buddhist react to Just war theories?
Progress checks…
Kahoot Religion, war and peace (mine) War and Conflict year 9s