AP Capstone Seminar Hill and Hodges. Monday October 5, 2015  Today you will work with a partner to practice the EOC Part 1A.  You will read and annotate.


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Presentation transcript:

AP Capstone Seminar Hill and Hodges

Monday October 5, 2015  Today you will work with a partner to practice the EOC Part 1A.  You will read and annotate the President Obama’s speech addressing gun control issues.  You will identify his central argument  Evaluate his line of reasoning  Evaluate the credibility and effectiveness of his evidence. You and your partner will craft a response for the EOC Part IA

Labeling IRR  Please find your Independent Research Report in the stack on the front desk.  LABEL: Using Different Color Highlighers! If it is a dark highlighter, underline instead!  The REASON SENTENCE  EVIDENCE  COMMENTARY

Tuesday October 6, 2015  Today you will create a Mind Map. A Mind Map is a technique for recording and organizing your ideas and thoughts.  Your mind map will focus on an area of inquiry that you would like to research.  Your Mind Map may be creative or simple but it must contain the following:  Common Issues  Problems within the topic  Concepts  Debate Points  Areas which agree/disagree  Subtopics Identify the different lenses and perspectives  Let’s look at some examples of Mind Maps.



Incomplete/Unacceptable No Connections

RSA Animate  Educational Paradigm  Watch this RSA to see how creatively the artists maps Ken Robinson’s speech!

Wednesday October 7, 2015  Today we will take a Gallery Walk of the Mind Maps.  As you are viewing the different Mind Maps, use post-it notes to write comments, suggestions, and/or questions to your peers. Try to comment on at least 4 Mind Maps. Do not crowd around one Mind Map. Only one or two people at one Mind Map at the same time. Remember we are in the hallway so there is NO Talking!  Take your Mind Map and review your comments.  In groups of four, discuss /share your different Mind Maps.  Determine the idea/topic your group would like to research.

Thursday October 8, 2015  In your groups, begin your initial research on your topic.  After 20 minutes, discuss what you have discovered.  Is there a debate?  Are there multiple perspectives?  Is there enough research information available?  Can we research this topic within the timeframe given? Formulate a Research Question. Complete the graphic organizer to evaluate the strength of your question. Decide on the different Lens needed to research this question. Homework: Each student will choose a lens to research this topic. Locate one article for your research question, using your chosen lens.

My Research Project: Select Evidence to Support Your Reasons  List the points you are offering to support your thesis statement.  Identify relevant evidence, and then list the evidence below each point. You might need to review your sources to locate additional evidence, or even obtain additional sources.  Determine whether you are relying too heavily on information from a single source.  Determine whether you are relying too heavily on one type of evidence.  Determine whether you’ve chosen evidence that is consistent with the type of document you plan to write. Ask yourself “What is my purpose?” “How can I best organize the paper for my purpose?” (p ) Bedford Researcher.

Friday October 9, 2015  Our Research Project: Arrange an Argument by Clustering (p. 224 Bedford Researcher) Clustering can help you explore the relationship among your thesis statement, reasons, and evidence. To create a cluster: Each person is assigned a color marker (but not black).  In the middle of a sheet of paper, write your group’s thesis statement (the answer to your group’s question) using a black marker.  Use your color marker to connect the reasons (based on the evidence from your articles) that help advance your groups thesis statement.

Clustering your Argument  List the evidence you’ll present to support your reasons next to each reason (Each person is responsible for providing evidence for the reasons)  Think about the relationship among your thesis statement, reasons, and evidence, and draw lines and circles to show those relationships.  Annotate your cluster to indicate the nature of the relationships you’ve identified.