What is Brainstorming? “ A technique used to solve problems and encourage creativity in which members of a group share their ideas about a subject” – Merriam-Webster
Brainstorming is all about generating ideas. It is used as a tool for problem solving. This can be done many ways. (We will concentrate on individual and group brainstorming.) Students will write down every idea that comes to mind. This is the time for creativity and “out of the box” thinking. It is very important to get the ideas out and documented.
Brainstorming Rules Rule 1: Postpone and withhold your judgment of ideas Rule 2: Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas Rule 3: Quantity of ideas counts at this stage—not quality Rule 4: Build on the ideas put forward by others Rule 5: Every person and every idea has equal worth
The Brainstorming Process Ask key questions to get started. Prompt students to offer responses. Set a goal – Ask students to come up with a set number of responses in a certain amount of time. Remind students that all ideas are good ideas. The more the better! Have students practice brainstorming individually, with a partner or a group. Gather ideas from many sources – listening to other people will often generate ideas different from their own & will spark even more ideas. Use graphic organizer to collect and organize ideas into related groups.
Let’s Practice What are the most important health concerns of Mississippians?
Individually write down as many health concerns that could possibly affect people who live in Mississippi. (5 minutes) Group – we will divide the class into 2 groups. (15 minutes) In your group create a list of different health concerns. Remember quantity is your goal Mind Map – create a mind map of your ideas. Organize your map into levels and sublevels. (15 minutes) Share with the class.
Final Thoughts Brainstorming is a jumpstart to the Engineering Design Process Where do you go from here? Categorize- combine ideas Reduce- get rid of anything that is not needed Analyze- pick the best ideas