Assessing Integration of Library Services into Course Management Systems Where we stand now RUSA MERS Co-Chairs: Lily Todorinova, Rutgers University Lindsay Johnston, University of Alberta Sunday, February 1 st, 2015
Overview Introduction Lily Todorinova, Undergraduate Experience Librarian, Rutgers University Case Studies Discussion Q&A
LMS Integration “...LMS embedded librarianship is becoming the primary and most productive method for connecting with college and university students, who are increasingly mobile and concerned with course materials and requirements delivered in the LMS.” (Tumbleson & Burke, 2013)
Online Community
Beth West Teaching and Online Learning Librarian Linfield College
About Linfield College Liberal arts college with three distinct campuses: Traditional residential campus with 1600 FTE Nursing campus with 350 FTE Online programs with 550 FTE Online programs taught through Blackboard, CMS is not widely used in traditional classes
Nicholson Library in the CMS Focus on online classes Emphasis on individual, personal service Link to LibGuide in shell course Expansion of integrated information literacy course modules
On-going and Multi-Level Assessment Customized assessment for instructors depending on level of library involvement Collaboration with online instructors and continuing education administration is key Assessing student learning over the course of a program Piloting in RN to BSN Program
Lindsay Johnson Public Services Manager & Subject Librarian University of Alberta
About University of Alberta 39,000+ FTE Canada's second largest Research Library, 3 campuses, 10 library facilities, 9 service desks 50,000 service desk interactions September- December 2014, chat reference interactions Fall 2013: 2200 unique courses in Moodle, 190 included a library block Winter 2015: 598 courses include library block
Assessment – Use Studies
What to Include in the Block?
Library Block 2.0
General Survey Responses 31% 68% Small classes visited by librarian
General Survey Responses 50% 95% Small classes visited by librarian
Matt Torrence STEM Librarian USF Tampa Library
About USF The University of South Florida (USF) is an urban research institution with 48,000+ students and 2,000+ faculty 52 Subject Guides and 73 Course Guides automatically mapped (opt-out required) for all courses at USF
USF - What does it look like?
USF - Our Assessment Plans Plans to do in-depth evaluation of hits on LibGuides following integration into BlackBoard/Canvas Already up over 8% based on early returns Need to find better ways to get faculty to emphasize the guides and other library resources
How many of you are actively involved with working in the CMS?
Does your institution assess the role of the CMS and its impact on student learning? Do you have an Assessment Librarian at your institution? Is s/he involved in assessing the library’s role in the CMS? Do you have access to data of the usage of the CMS by students (number of clicks to library links and resources)? Was it easy/difficult to obtain this data?
Is the role of the library in the CMS worth assessing? In what ways can it contribute to showing the effectiveness of the library? Have you studied or correlated the use of the CMS library resources to student performance, GPA, and/or retention?
thank you! TinyURL: