Evaluating your questionnaire Stage 1: Gather your responses Gather all of your questionnaires together and begin to take note of responses for each question. For example: Question 1: Which of these places is your favourite holiday destination? SpainFranceAmericaCanada Spain: 20 France: 18 America: 19 Canada: 18
Stage 2: Represent your data You should already have decided how you are going to represent your data, i.e. pie chart, bar graph, written evaluation and so on. Now that you have gathered your data, you will begin to construct your chosen medium. In this case, it is a bar graph. …… and then “Chart” Delete the default chart data and enter your findings Select “Insert”
Stage 3: Writing a narrative Now that you can see your data represented graphically, you will have to provide a short description, or a narrative, of your findings. This should describe exactly what is shown in the graph and should be very ‘matter of fact’. Opinions or other debatable information should be left until the evaluation. The purpose of question 1 was to ascertain the most popular holiday destinations out of a possible 4. These were Spain, France, America & Canada. The most popular destination was Spain with a total of 20 people choosing this country. This was followed by America with a 19 people choosing this as their most popular destination. France and Canada were in joint 3 rd place with 18 people selecting each country as their favourite destination.
Appendix 1: Changing Chart type Double click on the chart to activate itNow right click and select “Chart Type” Now select the type of chart you wantYour new chart…..