HAWAII By: Halie M. Boyer
SYMBOLS State Bird State Flower State Tree State flag State Seal
NICKNAME Hawaii’s nickname is the Aloha State. Aloha is how you greet others in Hawaii.
MOTTO Hawaii’s state motto is “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.’’
HISTORY The first people to arrive at the Hawaiian Islands were the Polynesians. There were rules called “Kapu” that the people lived by, and the chief’s word was law.
STATEHOOD August 21 st 1959 50 th state founded in the U.S.A.
POPULATION 1,392,313 people is the population in Hawaii
WEATHER The usual temperature is hot, sunny.
FAMOUS PEOPLE Akebono, who is a retired sumo wrestler George Ariyoshi, who was the third governor of Hawaii Angela P. Baraquio, who was crowned Miss America
PLACES TO VISIT Pearl Harbor is one of the most popular places in Hawaii.It is an army attack base