Chrysoula Kritharioti SOCIALNET 29/3/2013
established in 1998, to act as a pioneering scientific organisation for Regional Development - share capital of ,28€ AnGre is created by the Union of Local Authorities of Grevena, the Prefecture of Grevena, the Municipalities of Grevena and Deskati, the Agricultural Cooperatives and Chamber of Commerce of Grevena
AnGre S.A. cooperates and supports local, public and private, sectors Operates programs in order to create a modern, powerful, specialised and financially self-reliant company Focus on relations in the day-to-day contacts with authorities and citizens, promotes the regional development of Grevena co-operates with other agencies and regions
AnGre’s aim is promotion, support and contribution to integrated regional development, to create a model for sustainable development to help Grevena be a place for healthy and safe life through: study, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of projects on development, informing, awareness, motivation, for development strategies implementation of innovative development projects in collaboration with local authorities, inhabitants and private sector.
Space of action: the wider region of prefecture Grevena (Western Macedonia) that has space of report the Northern Pindos Legal regime: Public equivalent body Human resources: 3 Civil Engineers, 1 Mechanical engineer, 1 Mechanic of Urban and Regional Development, 2 Agronomists, 1 Food Technologist, 1 Political Scientist, 1 Economist-accountant, 1 Assistant of Accountant and 35 External Experts …