Cooper Black Kelly Lee
Oswald Bruce Cooper (Oz) Born March at Mount Gilead, Ohio Quit school to work at a print shop Moved to Chicago to enter Frank Holme School of Illustration Gave up on illustration and focused on lettering Opens Bertsch & Cooper advertising agency with Fred S. Bertsch Introduces his famous Cooper Black typeface through Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Type Founders in Chicago Type designer, lettering artist, graphic designer
Characteristics of Cooper Black Most famous of cooper type faces Super-bold typeface used in advertising and printing “The telling and selling type supreme” “the multi-billionaire sales type” “big advertisements of little ones” “For far-sighted printers with near- sighted customers” Simple, friendly, bold Blunt rounded forms Blurred serifs Narrow space between two letters The backward tilt of the counters (o, q) The elliptical dots (i, j) Thick heavy black
ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxy z
Challenges that Cooper Black Faced But fake cheap copy typefaces try to take over cooper black;, Plymouth, Ludlow black Patent on 1930; but on 1931, it was claimed to look too similar to the typeface that previously existed; patent was denied
Contribution to Cooper Black Family 1999 Patrick Giasson: Oz Black 2000 Chank Diesel: Rosemary
Bibliography Rogers, Bruce. The Book of Oz Cooper: An Appreciation of Oswald Bruce Cooper, with Characteristic Examples of His Art in Lettering, Type Designing & Such of His Writings as Reveal the Cooperian Typographic Gospel. Chicago: Society of Typographic Arts, Print. Isaacs, Cheshire. "Behind the Typeface: Cooper Black." Vimeo. N.p., 27 Oct Web. 02 Nov "Visual History of Cooper Black." Custom T-Shirts: Design T-Shirts Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov