ทุนทางปัญญา Intellectual Capital KM 743 ผศ. ดร. ปิติพงษ์ ยอดมงคล วิทยาลัยศิลปะ สื่อ และเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่ College of Arts Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University
Intellectual capital Different theories on competitive advantage –Industry-based view –Resources-base view –Knowledge-base view
Five Forces: Outside-IN
Core-Competency strategy
Knowledge-based view In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1997). Knowledge is the most strategically important of the firm resources, it is an outgrowth of the resources-based view.
Knowledge-based view VS Resources-based view Knowledge-based view Extensive elaborations on the nature and definition of knowledge and the way it should be managed Resource-based view Implicitly refers to knowledge Tangible & Intangible
Knowledge-based view Peter Drucker: The development of new economic theory has put knowledge in the center of wealth creating process
Accumulated knowledge Years KNOWLEDGE-BASED VIEW RESOURCE-BASED VIEW Tangible & Intangible
Knowledge Knowledge is a combination of human- related or tacit knowledge and non human-related or explicit knowledge
Knowledge => sustainable competitive advantage Org must build company specific knowledge assets by managing the relevant knowledge processes
ความรู้เป็นส่วนผสมของสิ่งที่เกี่ยว ของกับมนุษย์ Tacit (Human Control) และสิ่งที่สื่อความรู้ Explicit (Org.Control) In order to build sustainable competitive advantage, organizations must build company specific knowledge assets by managing the relevant knowledge processes.
KM strategy
Knowledge-based strategy
Intangible-based view => intellectual capital
Intellectual capital management could be positioned somewhere in between the concept of core competences and the concept of knowledge management Intellectual Capital => related to the resource based view. The main and distinguishing difference is that Intellectual Capital explicitly focuses on intangible resources that represent core competences. Intellectual Capital => related the knowledge-based view. Intellectual Capital narrows its focus on those resources which are considered most important for creating competitive advantage.
IC & KM Linking
IC & KM IC & KM serve different purposes, while they have similarities. –IC: considered at the strategic and top management level to create and leverage intellectual assets and to improve a firm’s value creating capabilities. –KM: focuses on tactical and operational implementations of knowledge-related activities [knowledge creation, capture, store, disseminate & use] with an ultimate aim to pursue LO and maximize IC
IC(M) & KM IC(M) & KM must be linked to achieve added value and must be made to work together by aligning KM processes with individual IC elements. KM focuses on facilitating and managing knowledge-related activities and strives to create a knowledge-friendly environment in which IC grow.
How to create and maximize IC through KM? KM process are managed systematically and intendedly. Systematic approach requires management and measurement –What kind of indicators organizations should be looking at has to be part of the management agenda [we have to measure what we manage]
Deliver to customers on time Customers Royalty IC & KM
Core competency (intangible) + Knowledge (intangible) -based view => Intellectual capital Intellectual capital elaborates on the nature of intangible resources of an Org. –the way they should be managed –the way they should be measured in order to create strategic awareness about the real sources of value creation.