IPC INFECTION PREVENTION & CONTROL PROGRAM Improving post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) reporting and documentation: Experiences from Iringa pilot Amal Ally M&E officer, Jhpiego - IPC Project November, 2014
Presentation Outline Introduction Methodology Results Challenges Conclusion
The IPC program The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is strengthening Infection Prevention and Control practices in Tanzania in collaboration with CDC, PEPFAR and Jhpiego The program is addressing the prevention of healthcare associated infections resulting from exposure to blood borne pathogens (e.g. HIV, Hepatitis B and C) One strategy for infection control is the strengthening of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) services, including monitoring and evaluation.
What is PEP? The term PEP means the medical response to prevent the transmission of blood-borne pathogens (BBP), including HIV, following exposure to blood and body fluids Individuals may sustain potential exposure in the course of their work [Occupational Exposure] OR Exposure outside the work setting [Non – Occupational Exposure]
Characteristics of Comprehensive PEP Services Reporting assistance and possible referral capacity Risk assessment Counselling services Providing consent for PEP Pre-and post-HIV test counselling Drug adherence and managing side effects Preventing the risk of transmission HIV testing (for exposed & source persons) Provide PEP medications (starter & full course) Support and follow up Appropriate record keeping and documentation (gap)** WHO/ILO (2007)
The PEP recording and documentation before this initiative All facilities offering HIV/AIDS care and treatment services provide PEP services Very few had a standardized system for collecting and documenting exposures and PEP service provision There is limited data on implementation and use of PEP services There is insufficient data utilization of PEP data both at facility and central level
PEP deliverables National PEP Guidelines Review IPC standards to address PEP issues Communication materials PEP Monitoring and Reporting Tools Case notes (1 and 2) and patient card PEP Register PEP Summary form Customize PEP summary tool into DHIS (under MOH server)
Pilot of Post Exposure Prophylaxis reporting forms in Iringa Region The pilot was conducted at 9 sites selected by MOH Iringa Regional HospitalIgumbilo Health Center Mafinga District HospitalIpogolo Health Center Ilula District HospitalNgome Health Center Tosamaganga District HospitalItamba dispensary Marie Stopes Iringa
Methodology Developed PEP documentation and reporting tools Oriented selected National IPC Trainers (MoHSW) on the tools Conducted Sensitization Meeting with C/RHMTs & HMTs Identification of PEP focal persons and oriented on PEP M&E tools in 9 facilities Oriented ART partners on PEP M&E reporting forms and uploading PEP data using DHIS2 system Continuous follow up visit every 6 month
Number of persons provided with PEP by Exposure type (June12 to Sep14)
Partners oriented and started rolling out PEP M&E tools PASADA Futures Group ICAP CSSC BMC TUNAJALI/ Dilotte WRP/HJFMRI EGPAF AGPAHI MDH
Conclusion Appropriately designed reporting and documentation tools for PEP are critical for improving PEP services Integration of PEP standard tool into routine health information system, captured by electronic database will allow for data-driven PEP program planning and resource allocation.
Recommendations R/CHMTs and HMTs roll out the PEP guidelines, PEP M&E tools and the PEP database to facilities in Tanzania. Partners to support building the capacity/training of the district personnel in utilizing the DHIS2 system (through HMIS/UDSM) Partners to support the district personnel to ensure quality of data and data completeness in the HMIS system Establish mechanisms to follow up clients under PEP management at scheduled times and tracing source person HIV status - especially Rape/Assault cases Improve community sensitization on availability of PEP services
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