The role of MOOCs within the flipped #APT2015 Greenwich, July
Plan What’s changing? Social learning in the flipped classroom Our examples – Portus – Digital Marketing Lessons learned Where next?
Changing learner behaviour Rising expectations Ubiquitous ownership of smartphones and tablets ‘always on’ But it’s not just about how to use the tools. Many studies have shown that students’ understanding of the digital world can be superficial: “living in an increasingly digital society requires an appreciation of participation, social justice, personal safety, ethical behaviours and the management of identity and reputation in both online and offline spaces, as the boundaries between them become increasingly blurred” (Carey et al, 2009).
Innovating Pedagogy Report (Sharples et al, 2014) Identifies “massive open social learning” as the innovation most likely to impact upon education in the short term: Network effects Gamification Discussions Quizzes Activities Following key contributors Peer review
MOOCs as catalysts for change George Siemens emphasises the growing importance of the “social” element of MOOCs: “And, what learners really need has diversified over the past several decades as the knowledge economy has expanded. Universities have not kept pace with learner needs and MOOCs have caused a much needed stir — a period of reflection and self-assessment. To date, higher education has largely failed to learn the lessons of participatory culture, distributed and fragmented value systems and networked learning.” (Siemens, 2014)
End of the lecture? The flipped MOOC / flipped classroom
MOOCs in campus-based learning External non-paying MOOCers MOOC activity Paying Students The Embedded MOOC Slide
Berkeley Scratch Course Shows F2F and MOOC version of course
74 MOOC datasets FOR EACH OF OUR MOOC RUNS: ● Comments ● Enrolments ● Peer Review Assignments ● Peer Review Reviews ● Question Response (quizzes) ● Step Activity ● Total Figures 24 Survey datasets FOR EACH OF OUR MOOC RUNS: ● Entry Survey ● Exit Survey MOOCRuns Datasets surveys surveys surveys surveys 1
Portus: bridging research & education Use MOOCs as a way in to open access research publications and research data MOOCs learning from Citizen Science approaches to support new research communities Kate Dickens, University of Southampton FutureLearn Project Lead Encouraging BBC documentary viewers to study more, first via second screening
Digital Marketing: “eating the dog food” Pushing the boundaries of social media engagement: StorifyStorify Active learning highlights limitations of traditional F2F approach PhD students integrate education with their research Collaborative cross faculty and industry projects are highlighted & progressed Kate Dickens, University of Southampton FutureLearn Project Lead
MOOCHybrid activities to date Hybrid activities planned for 2015/6 academic year Web Science MOOC ran alongside introductory MSc module in 2014/5 MOOC currently being redeveloped. To run again alongside intro module in Autumn 2015 Digital Marketing MOOC made available to undergraduate students as part of final year module MOOC to run again alongside Intro module for MSc students in Autumn 2015 Archaeology of Portus MOOC used as the focus for one compulsory and one optional third year UG module – with an emphasis on the affordances of the platform; use as supporting material on one first year module; used as an example of digital education for evaluation as part of a second year module; use as focus for a seminar on web platforms for a postgraduate archaeological computing module; focus of two postgraduate dissertations (one looking at social interaction and one on gamification) and one undergraduate dissertation (comparing field school, interdisciplinary module and the MOOC as mechanisms for learning archaeological field practice) Integration across the UG archaeology curriculum, including period-specific (Roman) and methodological modules; further tranche of UG and PG dissertations; greater inclusion within PG curriculum as part of a greater focus on blended learning, crossing disciplines, delivery methods and free/ paid (lifelong learning and traditional degree) elements.
Positive student feedback The value of learning from current practice in a world where “learning how to learn” is more important than what you know (for example a set and soon to be dated curriculum) Diversity of MOOC learning community The flexibility of timing for participation, at a time when many students were multi-tasking with job applications and other geographically dispersed responsibilities. The ability to learn at their own pace, especially if English was not their first language. Useful comments, examples and feedback from other MOOC learners based all around the world (190 countries). Contacts made and employability networks developed Opportunity to reflect on most useful aspects of their overall learning experience Opportunity to feedback their ideas for changes to improve the experience for future students
Negative Student Feedback The large volume of information in the discussions can be overwhelming Hard to decide which sources of information shared were most robust/reliable Varying opinions on what aspects of a practical subject like archaeology could and could not be best learned online
Where next? Articulated degrees? Slide F2F Module SPOC at Stanford OU Module MOOC at Soton Capstone Project Degree Programme