1.Tree Rings
2.Glacial Ice Cores
1.Tree Rings 2.Glacial Ice Cores 3.Ocean Sediments - The ratio of oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 preserved in the steady rain of dead organisms.
1.Tree Rings 2.Glacial Ice Cores 3.Ocean Sediments - The ratio of oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 preserved in the steady rain of dead organisms. 4.Radiocarbon dates of organic material
1.Tree Rings 2.Glacial Ice Cores 3.Ocean Sediments - The ratio of oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 preserved in the steady rain of dead organisms. 4.Radiocarbon dates of organic material 5.Pollen samples found in packrat middens and lake bed samples.
1.Tree Rings 2.Glacial Ice Cores 3.Ocean Sediments - The ratio of oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 preserved in the steady rain of dead organisms. 4.Radiocarbon dates of organic material 5.Pollen samples found in packrat middens and lake bed samples. 6.Variations in desert varnish coatings found
1.Tree Rings 2.Glacial Ice Cores 3.Ocean Sediments - The ratio of oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 preserved in the steady rain of dead organisms. 4.Radiocarbon dates of organic material 5.Pollen samples found in packrat middens and lake bed samples. 6.Variations in desert varnish coatings found on rocks in the arid southwest 7.Variations found in peatbog deposits
1.Tree Rings 2.Glacial Ice Cores 3.Ocean Sediments - The ratio of oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 preserved in the steady rain of dead organisms. 4.Radiocarbon dates of organic material 5.Pollen samples found in packrat middens and lake bed samples. 6.Variations in desert varnish coatings found on rocks in the arid southwest 7.Variations found in peatbog deposits 8.Sedimentary rock records.
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