About Me Project David Gates 2/8/16 Period 1 Main Menu
Hello, my name is David Gates. I am a student at RHS and for some random reason you are reading a slide show that is all about me. This slide show is organized primarily by past, present, and future. Family and Background for past, Hobbies for present, and Future Plans/Personal Goals for future. Click a button to the left to learn more. Family and Background Future Plans Personal Goals Hobbies Rules: 1- No using arrow keys 2- No using space key 3- No using scroll on mouse 4- No using page up/down 5- No using Home/End 6- No turning off Num Lock and using To advance slides, use the buttons (usually at bottom of the slide).
Family and Background I will start with background. I started school in Smiley Elementary School, where I got through grades 1-4. For 5 th grade, I went to Kingsbury Elementary School. I spent all of middle school at Moore Middle School. Finally, I am currently in high school at Redlands High School. Smiley Elementary SchoolKingsbury Elementary School Moore Middle SchoolRedlands High School Next will be family. For family, I have a mom, dad, former stepmom, step dad, twin brothers, sister, twin step brothers, 2 aunts, 2 uncles, 4 little cousins, 2 grandmothers (1 is in Iowa), and a grandpa. (You can also get to school webpages by clicking the links to the right) Main Menu
Personal Goals Main Menu When I first started thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I really only wanted a job that has files, a computer, and a desk, other than that, I really didn’t care much. That is about the time that I thought about becoming an Accountant. Now, I pretty much follow the same standards, just I am leaning more toward a computer-related job, not just a job using a computer. Since this is about the time I started CyberSecurity, I not only learned more about computers, but also learned more about programming. The programming made me think that it would be easier to be an accountant since I could just write a program to do all my work. But seeing which elements I am best at on the computer made my CyberSecurity teacher recommend being a System Analyst. Those elements being networking, programming, and computers. One of the elements needed for being a system analyst is leadership, which Mr. Shin thought that I would have trouble with (since he doesn’t know that I am a Corporal in the Young Marines, so I practice leadership almost constantly).AccountantSystem Analyst
Future Plans Main Menu In the future, I have two different ideas for jobs: accountant (see bottom image to the right) and system analyst (see other images). CyberSecurity is a main factor boosting my enthusiasm toward those two jobs. If I were to become an accountant, I think having a CyberSecurity past will help because it gives me a class which is part programming, which I think would really help in accounting. At the same time, if I were to become a system analyst, it would not only help to have a CyberSecurity past, but that is what makes it possible, since my CyberSecurity teacher is the one that brought up the idea of me being a system analyst. As for education, I would do what I can to learn what decrees I need to in order to become the job of my choosing. accountant system analyst
Hobbies Menu Main Menu ComputersVideo GamesYoung Marines By the way, I have much more than three hobbies, but the assignment only required three and I didn’t want to prolong your suffering. I chose my three main hobbies: the Young Marines, Video Games, and Computers. Above are some images giving a brief overview on what the hobbies are. Click a button above to learn more about those hobbies. Click the button below to return to the Main Menu.
Young Marines One of my main hobbies is the Young Marines. The Young Marines is a program founded by the Marines and its main purpose is Drug Demand Reduction (what you see in Red Ribbon Week). Since we are a program from the Marines, we do a lot of things that they do. To be more specific, we do everything they do, except for combat. That means community service, public speaking, field skills, citizenship, leadership, physical fitness, etc.Young Marines Most of the time, we train at the Redlands Elks Lodge. Since I am a Corporal in the program (the forth rank up), most of the time, I am leading the group. Which also helped me find an idea for a job in the future (see Personal Goals slide). Hobbies Menu
Video Games One of my favorite hobbies is Video Games. I play video games on 3 main devices: phone, Xbox, and computer (my favorite being the computer (notice all photos to the right being games on the computer)). I play many different games, like Minecraft (bottom photo to the right), Cool Math Games (top right photo to the right), and some of the games on Steam (top left photo to the right). Video games also gave me a basic understanding about computers. For example, to install mods onto Minecraft, I had to learn about AppData, and how installed programs work.MinecraftCool Math Games Hobbies Menu
Computers One of my main hobbies is computers. I know that it is a pretty generic thing to say, so what I enjoy on the computers is games on the computers, and programming. Since there is already another slide on games, I will talk about programming in this slide. I started programming when my Aunt bought me a book called C++ for dummies (I can’t tell if she was trying to help me or insult me). I used the book to learn C++ programming. I had some fun programming for a couple of months until the book ended up collecting dust on my bookshelf. That was until I came into CyberSecurity (I couldn’t find a site on CyberSecurity, so I did a site on the program that CyberSecurity is based on) in RHS. In that class, I learned Batch programming, Visual Basic Programing, and Visual Basic Script programming. Since I did C++, I knew some of the basics and had a head start to learning about programming. After some months in the class, I was motivated to start programing at home again, to which I started C++ programming again. CyberSecurity Hobbies Menu