REFRESHER COURSE 2015 Qiadat Tarbiyyat Majlis Ansarullah UK
General Guidance for Zoama and MuntazimeenTarbiyyat UK Tarbiyyat is a very delicate,sensitive and painstaking task. We need to proceed with special prayers and humblness for the Tarbiyyat of our brothers. Zaeem should try to activate MuntazimTarbiyyat and Saiqeen system to enable himself to approach all Ansar brothers. Monthly meeting: Summary of the book, “Ten conditions of Baiat”should be presented by any Amla member in general meetings. Every month one or two conditions of Bait may be presented. After every meeting, MuntazimTarbiyyat should contact the absent Ansar brothers and request them politely to try and attend the next meeting. There should be a system at the local level to analyze how absentees should be contacted and how attendance may be improved.
Tarbiyyat Quarterly Report form: Quarterly reports should be filled properly and fully with accurate figures. If any explanation is required, please use the separate sheets. It should be sent on prescribed Quarterly report form (revised 2015) in January, April, July and October. It should be filled out after inquiring from all Ansar. It should be sent with the monthly report form. List of less active Ansar: This list should be sent with quarterly reports in January, April, July and October. Please try to minimize the number of Ansar in this list by making them more active with the help of your senior members, president, Murabbi sahib etc. Please let us know if any assistance from center is required in this regard. I hope that by the end of the year, you will be able to make all of your Ansar active.
Salat Awareness day: Please fix at least one day each month as Salat awareness day. All Ansar should be informed and reminded about the importance of the congregational prayer. Report should be taken from each and every Nasir.
Tarbiyyat forums: All Majalis should organize 2 Tarbiyyat forums in a year. Each Region should hold 1 Tarbiyyat forum in a year. The following topics have been chosen for these forums. 1. Responsibility of Ansarullah for the defense of the institution of Khilafat. 2. Responsibility of Ansarullah for the pledge of giving precedence to faith over worldly matters. 3. Responsibilities of Majlis Ansarullah for the establishment of congregational prayers in Mosques/ Salat centers.
Amila Members as a role model: In every month, one week’s Congregational Salat report should be sent to center with your monthly report form. Importance of watching MTA and listening to the Friday Sermon. Emphasis should be made to all Ansar to watch MTA Ansar should be encouraged to listen to the Friday sermons of Huzoor-e- Aqdas atba regularly.
form no.1. Tarbiyyat 2015 Qiadat Tarbiyyat Induividual Amla members congregational Salat report Name of Nasir: Week start date: Name of Ziamat: Region: How many times you offered Fajar and Isha prayer in congregation in this week? How many congregational prayers you had offer in a week? Are you offering 2 Nawafils and prayers? Signature of Nasir: Hazrat Ameerul Momeneen at one occasion said that if all Aamla members become regular in congregational prayers, our Mosques/ Salat centers will be filled. We should also remember that Huzoor has advised us to offer two Nawafals and weekly fasting with special prayers for all our brothers who are being persecuted for the sake of Jammat. Note: As per approved shura recumendation s 2014 we have to collect the attendance of congregational prayers from aamla members. If there is no Mosque/ Salat center in your Jamaat, please offer congregational prayer with your family. This report should be filled for one week in every month and handed over to Zaeem/ Nazim Tarbiyyat for sending to the center.
form no.4. Tarbiyyat 2015 LIST OF "LESS ACTIVE ANSAR" This report should reach by the end of January, April, July and October with quarterly report. Ziamat:Region: Zaeem:Muntazim: Sr. NoNamePhone No.NamazFriday sermonLazmi chnad IjlasRemarks AamMajlis Friday Sermon: Those who do not listen to the Friday sermon for the whole month. - Namaz: Those who have not come to the mosque/ center in the last 2 months. - Chanda : Ansar who do pay chanda Aam/ Majlis. - Ijlas: Ansar who have not attended general meeting for 6 months. - Please contact above members if you need to, before sending their names to TARBIYYAT DEPARTMENT. You can take help of their friends, elders of jamaat, president or Murabbi. If they start paying chanda, even a small amount or start coming to prayers. Then please do not send their names, but give the report of your efforts.
Qiadat Tarbiyyat Induividual Amla members congregational Salat report (central and regional) Name of Amla member: Week start date: Designation: Majlis: How many times you offered Fajar and Isha prayer in congregation in this week? How many congregational prayers you had offer in athisweek? Are you offering 2 Nawafils and prayers? Signature of Amla member: Hazrat Ameerul Momeneen at one occasion said that if all Aamla members become regular in congregational prayers, our Mosques/Salat centers will be filled.We should also remember that Huzoor has advised us to offer two Nawafals and weekly fasting with special prayers for all our brothers who are being persecuted for the sake of Jamaat. Note: As per approved shura recumendations 2014 to collect the attendance of congregational prayers from Aamla members. If there is no Mosque/ Salat center in your Jamaat, please offer congregational prayer with your family.
Qiadat Tarbiyyat form no.5. Tarbiyyat 2015 Quarterly assessment form O ye who believe! Save your selves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones MajlisRegion Have you held Tarbiyyati forum? YES/ NO Please send details. Have you made any special efforts towards engaging "Less active Ansar"? YES/NO If yes, please send a separate report of this. Friday Sermon Sr #Name of NasirNumber of Congregational prayer offeredListened Friday sermonNo. of family members over 10 years oldHow many listened KhutbaHow many family members Watched MTA - Muntazim Tarbiyyat with the help of Tarbiyyat committee, will collect this from all Ansar brothers and send it to centre at the end of January, April, July and October. - Please remember this exercise is to remind our brothers about their very important duty of performing salat. - Please try to activate with love, lots of dua and feeling of real pain for upbringing of Ansar and their children. - If someone is too old or sick or don’t like give the report, don’t force him. Just write down this reason infront of his name.