1. Accurate & Timely intelligence shared by all 2. Effective tactics and strategies 3. Rapid deployment of resources 4. Relentless follow-up and assessment CincyStat Tenets
Suppression Response EMS Response & Outcomes EMS Collections Community Paramedicine Permanent Mutual Aid Overtime Procurement Reform & Economic Inclusion Customer Service
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) creates and maintains standards and codes for use and adoption by local governments.
NFPA Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments. NFPA Standard for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Emergency Services Communications Systems. NFPA Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System and Command Safety.
1. Accurate & Timely Intelligence shared by all 2. Effective tactics and strategies 3. Rapid deployment of resources 4. Relentless follow-up and assessment CincyStat Tenets