1 Measuring Im( t ) using K S - K L Interference in 0 e + e - Hogan Nguyen Fermilab November 10 th, 2009 Project X Physics Workshop Work presented here can be found in FERMILAB-TM-2438-PPD
2 Motivated by NA48 Discovery of K S 0 e + e - in 2003 and the realization that K L 0 e + e - is dominated by indirect and direct CP violation K L ~ K 1 + K 2 0e+e-0e+e- Indirect CPV Direct CPV CP Conserving CP Conserving Term is Small (helicity suppression) Direct CPV gives access to Im( t ), where t = V ts *V td Indirect CPV Term can be calibrated from K S 0 e + e -, up to a sign ambiguity. Take advantage of K S -K L interference from target K 0 ’s to amplify the Direct CPV term
3 From NA62 Physics-Handbook: Christopher Smith
6 Some Formulas NA48 Discovery Phys. Lett. B576,43 (2003) Im( t ) in units of Sign of A S must be determined via other methods: 1. Theory 2. K L 0 0 l + l - 3. Lepton energy Asymmetry in K L 0 + - F. Mescia, C. Smith, S. Trine, JHEP 08 (2006) 088.
7 Rate of 0 e + e - from target K 0, K 0 incoherent with respect to each other. Pure K L Interference Term affecting K S term Number of S lifetimes from target Non-resonant K L ee Interference Term D is the dilution factor. For very high energy protons, D = 0.3.
8 For T p ~2.1 GeV, D ~ 1 (pure K 0 ). N. Mokhov
9 The Sign of A S is very important Im( t )/A S = -1.3/1.06 Im( t )/A S = +1.3/1.06 Im( t ) = 0 Im( t ) in units of For Im( t )/A S = +1.3/1.06 there is a great loss of resolution in extracting Im( t )
10 Fit Results for Im( t ) for D = 1.0 (pure K 0 ) N(6 S < < 16 S ) Fitted Im( t ) Fit Error 25K K K K (D=0.3) Simple 2 fit biases Im( t ) Have not studied fit biases Input in MC generator Im( t ) = 1.3 (units of ) A S = 1.06 Perfect Detector Dilution = 1.0
11 Very Rough Beam Rate Estimates T p = 2.6 GeV P K = 300 MeV MeV Acceptance Angle Range = 17 to 23 ~ 3 x K 0 ’s produced per incident proton onto deuterium (from N. Mokhov’s study) Using only > 6 S rejects all but 0.25% of K S Realistic detector acceptance ~ 5% (KTeV) ? BR( K S 0 e + e - ) = 5.8 x Useable K 0 Yield per incident 2.6 GeV proton onto deuterium (3 x ) x (2.5 x ) x (0.05) x (5.8 x ) = 2.17 x Number of Protons Error on Im( t ) 1.15 x x Detector Length Considerations (c S = 2.6 cm) P K (GeV) Z(6 S ) Z(16 S ) cm 48.6 cm cm 92.7 cm A very compact detector interaction length gas target
12 Other Nice Things about K S - K L 0 e + e - interference - Fully Constrained Decay - An Open Geometry Detector - More forgiving in accidentals - 0 is really tough. We will need confirmation from other modes More realism needed - in practice, we may not know the dilution very well. We have to extract from data using other means (K2pi decays)