Was the Revolution a revolution or was it treason?
Fill in below Reasons for Independence Reason Against
American Revolution
Views Radicals: Force Britain to accede to demands or declare independence –Who? –Patrick Henry, John Adams Moderates: Relationship could be repaired –Who? –John Dickinson
British Problems with Colonies Great Britain’s government had 2 MAJOR problems 1.Sheer Cost 2.Sheer Size: Vast expansion of territory made it hard to control
What Do Sugar & Stamps Have To Do With Revolutions Sugar Act~ George Grenville---> placed taxes on sugar, coffee, wines, etc
What Do Sugar & Stamps Have To Do With Revolutions Stamp Act~ tax on all printed material newspapers, playing cards, & legal documents. 1766=> repealed Stamp Act created the Declatatory Act : Power to legislate colonies
Famous Words “Taxation Without Representation is t_________” James Otis (Mass.) “No taxation without representation” Patrick Henry (VA)
Was It Really a Massacre? *Sent troops in to protect officials who administered the Townsend Acts: Duty on trade goods *March 5th ~ 5 citizens died….total = the Boston Massacre * Who defends the soldiers?
Boston Tea Party *1773~Parliament granted legal monopoly tea shipment to America. * December 16, 1773~ 150 men from all layers of the economy, blackened their faces with burnt cork, dressed as Mohawk Indians & boarded three ships.
After Math Passed the I___________ Acts 1. Closed the port of B______ 2. Reorganized the government of Mass. 3. Allowed quartering of soldiers when ordered. Expanded 1765 Act 4. Removed trials of royal customs
Continental Congress September 5th to October 26, st Continental Congress~ Formed in response to i___________ acts. ~ Hoped to persuade Parliament to restore self- government in colonies & abandon direct supervision. ~Suffolk Resolves adopted: Rejected the Intolerable Acts
“Shot Heard Round the World” ~ April 1775 ~ Battle of Lexington & Concord ~ British were on the way to secure weapons
Continental Congress May 1775 = S_________ Continental Congress: Due to British refusal to recognized colonial rights and fighting Adopted Declaration of Independence
Bunker Hill June 1775 Heavy British Casualties
Battle of Saratoga Oct 1777 Turning Point Horatio Gates & Benedict Arnold defeat General Burgoyne F_______ openly supports Colonies
Battle of Yorktown 1781 L____ major battle of war Washington Surrounded and French cut off sea route Cornwallis had no choice