Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Challenges to Détente Cody Elizondo and Rylee Holman
Background Brezhnev doctrine- the USSR asserted its “right and duty” to go to war in foreign countries “if and when an existing socialist regime was threatened.” Communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) came to power in The party was wildly unpopular. The Mujahedeen declared war on DRA supporters Soviet troops arrive in Afghanistan in December Afghanistan already in civil war (USSR’s Vietnam) the US put a ban on exporting grain to Russia, ended SALT talks and boycotted the Olympic games. End of détente.
Three Perspectives USSR Treaty of Friendship and the Brezhnev doctrine allowed/commited the USSR to help the communist government in Kabul. The two nightmarish scenarios of either American intervention, or the spread of radical Islam into the USSR, helped shape the Soviet Union’s decision to invade Afghanistan. Also, socialist ideology was at stake. Native Mujahedeen were opposed to the communist government that swept aside Muslim tradition. They were not as equipped as the Russian army but they had a purpose, knew the terrain surrounding Kabul, had popular support and were backed by many other countries, including the US. US Proof that the Soviets only particiapted in détente to further themselves. Still desired world domination. Troops never involved but Carter and Reagan supported the Mujahedeen through the CIA (operation cyclone) Saw as a Cold War struggle because it involved Communist forces in a country that the majority of the people did not want there.
Resolution Mikhail Gorbachev begins to withdrawal troops from Afghanistan and improve relations with the US USSR removes all troops from Afghanistan USSR disbands Islamic State of Afghanistan
Winners: US Support the enemy of our enemy (Mujahedeen) Long war for our enemy- drained economy and hurt socially Losers: Afghanistan Country left in ruins (carpet bombing/ land mines) Many refugees fled to neighboring countries USSR Long and unnecessary war Hurt economy and social opinion Did not win the war
Legacy Civil war in Afghanistan through the 1990’s Build up of the Taliban Working government departments, the police, justice systems and education systems did not have time to reform after the Soviet War and much of the country descended into lawlessness. This led to areas being controlled by different armed factions End of detente Accelerated the dissolution of the USSR