Wish list from ESS Christine Darve H-ECCTD Kick-off meeting 16 March 2016 www.europeanspallationsource.se.


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Presentation transcript:

Wish list from ESS Christine Darve H-ECCTD Kick-off meeting 16 March

Background 2  Use the H-ECCTD to complete the objective of the M-ECCTD See 2013, November 21: Cryomodule Workshop - Interface WP4/5-WP11, define ECCTD : Elliptical Cavity Cryomodule Technology DemonstratorNovember 21: Cryomodule Workshop - Interface WP4/5-WP11, define ECCTD Technical Annexes (CEA): #1.1 – Component supply #1.2 – Assembly in CM #1.3 – Support expertise -impact on STFC -impact on LASA #1.4 – Installation Commissioning Requirements Interfaces 

Cryogenic distridution Cryomodule Stakeholders ESS lead engineers and WPs leaders Cryomodule designers Cavity package designers Component assembly teams Control command (Control Box, PLC, LLRF, MPS) Instrumentation teams (diagnostic, TT, pu, PT) Safety team (PPS, ODH, etc..) RF team (RFDS, LLRF, Interlock, HPRF) ESS system engineer, QA Survey experts Test stand service Toolings Transport Conv. Fac. Cryogenic distribution Radio-frequency Beam Vacuum Beam Diagnostic Beam Optics Control system ACCSYS Work Package leaders ACCSYS Integration section

Cavity Cryomodule Technology Demonstrator Validate designs (incl. SRF cavities, coupler, CTS) Prepare the industrialization process by validating component life-cycles (incl. assembling process, QA) Validate performances (incl. RF, mechanical, thermal) Develop ESS 704 MHz SRF linac operating procedures Validate control command strategy (Control box, PLC, EPICS, LLRF) Test the ESS integration and interface with cryogenics, vacuum systems Train people and build collaboration Develop expertise in SRF technology One full scale cell of 704 MHz high- and medium-beta cavity cryomodule  Similar process for the spoke cryomodules A staged approach towards the ESS Linac tunnel installation

Goal of Cryomodules Technology Demonstrators Validate the life-cycles of the cryomodule fabrication, assembly and operation Validate interfaces of the cryomodule with the Stakeholders –RF, CRYO, Vacuum, ctl, support, etc.. Validate the performance of the ECCTD at low RF power and cryogenic condition, before initiating series fabrication Identify possible issues and transfer knowledge to industry for series fabrication Support control system (control box, instrumentation, process variables, EPICS, etc) 5 Power coupler Cold tuning System Helium tank 5-cell elliptical cavity Space frame Other components: Magnetic and Thermal Shields Supporting system Etc..

RF power test stations at CEA Saclay 704 MHz RF Plateform Pilot Switch RF Security box water C/C Water vacuum Safety RF Fast acquisition (RF signals, electron pick-up, arc detector by photomultipliers) + slow acquisitions (vacuum…) Signals for fast interlock Coupler Conditioning Security box C/C Water Vacuum Cryo safety RF ESS Cryomodule (ECCTD+ pre-series) Security box C/C Klystron: 704 MHz 1 MW Modulator HT 110 kV Circulator + load waveguides Supratech Cryogenic system Manual switch What we have:

Tests station at Saclay What we have:

 Design the ESS Engineering data management system  Common platform aiming at ESS Linac operation and maintenance  Content for the management of: Cavities and cryomodules PBS 3D cad of main accelerator components Track S/N Track component signature, e.g. calibration Track life-cycle of identified components Include installation procedures Include operating procedures Include maintenance procedures Etc.. What we need:


Radiation hardness 12

Tunnel cross-section 13

ESS Wish list – H-ECCTD ? Validate the life-cycles of the cryomodule fabrication, assembly and operation procedures Validate the performances…  Test plan shall including elements to qualify: –Cryogenic  e.g. heaters to calibrate heat load measured on cavities, power coupler –Vacuum  e.g. pump down time –RF load  test the LLRF system, CTS sequences –ICS: Control variables, EPICS –Support control system (instrumentation, process variables, EPICS, etc) Support the risk analysis –Failure scenarios and what-if analysis, FMEA –Maximal Credible Incident –Maintenance modes –Instrumentation and fail-safe modes –Valves and Instrumentation standardized CEA test area extrapolation to ESS tunnel: constraints and boundary conditions 14

RF - LLRF and interlock system 15 Test cold tuning system with the M-ECCTD and H-ECCTD - Fast, piezo - Slow tuning system, stepper motor - LLRF Control of CTS – slow tuner with IOC

WP 8: LLRF and control schematic 16 RF cell control LLRF system Cavity with subsystems


Cavity fabrication Cryomodule components fabrication Cavity string assembling in clean room Validation test of the cavity in vertical cryostat Validation test of the cryomodule Cryomodule on beam line Power coupler fabrication Coupler RF processing Cryomodule assembling Tools fabrication Chemical treatment High pressure rinsing In clean room (ISO5 or ISO4) Assembling in clean room Transport Qualified cavity storage Cryomodule reception and storage Cryomodule storage Processed couplers storage Courtesy of Pierre Bosland CEA/IRFU Space frame Beam valves and extremity flange TA6V rods in X pattern to keep the beam axis at the same position during cool down Magnetic shield Tuning system Cryomodule life-cycle

P. Bosland CEA-Saclay Access traps to the tuners Helium safety valve Cavity supports: TA6V rods Cryogenic line interface Space frame Magnetic shield close to the cavity Thermal shield inside the space frame 1,2 m