safe space to think, safe space to grow Lucy Faulkner Ltd Briefing to the Welsh Boxing General Council on Equality and the Equality Standard 3 November 2015
Equality overview Legislation – Equality Act Applies to employers and service providers.
Equality Act 2010 All employers and service providers have a responsibility under the law to treat their employees and service users fairly. You are a service provider if you provide goods, facilities or services to the general public or section of it, regardless of whether these are free or paid for.
The Act is there to protect people from discrimination: At work or when using a service When they take part in the activities of a club, society or association, so they can be sure that they are not being harmed by other people’s stereotypes or prejudices.
Protected Characteristics Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Sex Sexual orientation
Prohibited conduct Discrimination – direct or indirect Harassment Victimisation
Reasonable adjustments Duty to make reasonable adjustments to remove barriers for disabled people. Bringing about equality for disabled people may mean: 1.changing the way in which services are delivered 2.providing extra equipment 3.and/or the removal of physical barriers.
Reasonable adjustments If an adjustment is reasonable, you must pay for it. You are not allowed to ask a disabled person to pay for it, even if you have made it in response to their request and even if it has cost you extra to provide it.
Positive action You can take proportionate action to achieve one of three legitimate aims: enabling or encouraging people to overcome or minimise disadvantage meeting different needs enabling or encouraging participation.
Equality Standard The Standard is a framework for assisting sports organisations to widen access and reduce inequalities in sport and physical activity from under represented individuals, groups and communities. ‘Owned’ by the five Sports Councils. Launched in 2004 and revised in 2012.
Participation rates by under- represented groups Certain groups are under-represented relative to the national or local population statistics. Core of your equality work should be groups that share protected characteristics. Additional disadvantaged groups.
The Foundation Level overview Foundation Preliminary Intermediate Advanced Timescales for completing each level
Equality Standard criteria - Foundation We set responsibility for equality at the highest level of Welsh Boxing and have a named person to lead on it. We are aware of the current profile and position in terms of equality. This is in relation to staff and Board members. Everyone involved in our sport is aware of our commitment to equality and our zero-tolerance of harassment and unfair treatment We have a current Equality Policy which has been disseminated throughout the organisation. We have completed an audit of HR policies and communication activities and are up-to-date in terms of equality legislation. Staff and Board will attend the appropriate training.
Equality achievements to date Equality has been set at the highest level of Welsh Boxing, Judith Woodman, elected Board member, is Board lead. We have a current Equality Policy and Statement which has not been disseminated throughout the organisation. Staff and Board have attended the appropriate training.