The Cornell note-taking system - why? Brain works faster than just listening Mind will wander onto other topics Traditional ‘stream of consciousness’ note taking does not encourage reflection Review and Revision facilitated 1
How? 1. Mark up your note paper This is the opening side 2
How? 2. Add date and page number 14/11/13 pg 1 3
How? 2. Add subject title (abbreviation) 14/11/13 pg 1 Feminism 4
3. If you are left handed do you prefer it this way round? 14/11/13 pg 1 Fem Use the orientation which feels more comfortable, but the opening side is preferable 5
4. Differentiate areas 14/11/13 pg 1 FEM 14/11/13 pg 1 FEM This main area for detailed notes 6
4. Differentiate areas 14/11/13 pg 1 FEM 14/11/13 pg 1 FEM This area for headings, key points and notes about the notes and any thoughts about the session 7
5. Taking an example from Sociology: – Feminism 14/11/13 pg 1 Fem 14/11/13 pg 1 Fem 3 Waves Votes Equality Public/ Private 3 Waves Votes Equality Public/ Private This provides the summary and easy point of reference for later lookup 8
14/11/13 pg 1 Fem 3 Waves 1. Votes 2. Equality 3. Public/ Private 1.Suffragettes campaigned for democratic vote 2.Equality in work place, equal rights, equal pay 3.Society can’t be understood in terms of work alone, what happens outside workplace e.g. family, religion is key Difference between public and private space or spheres – gender roles This detail can be added later 9
14/11/13 pg 1 Fem 3 Waves 1. Votes 2. Equality 3. Public/ Private 1. Suffs - vote 2. Equality work equal rights, equal pay 3.Soc. not just work/ public sphere, also outside work/private sphere e.g. fam, relig, social interactions, gender diffs Or this index can be added later when reviewing notes, to help with revision PUBLIC/ PRIVATE SPHERE ???? Help ????? 10
How’s about having a go? Take notes on today’s topics Either Take notes in the main area and highlight key points in the margin as you go along Or Write key points in the margin first and fill in the detail as you go along Or just write the detail, leaving the margin to be filled when you review or revise from your notes at a later date Or Just write the key points in the margin, writing the detail when you have more time or a text book to hand. Note taking is a skill and will improve with practise. 11
Schizophrenia Session outline Social explanations: - Sociogenic hypothesis Family relationships Supporting evidence Types of validity: - Criterion - Concurrent - Predictive 12
Reflection 1. Have you left spaces for the parts you want to fill in greater detail? 2. Have you identified any terms separately (in the margin)? 13