HARASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION What is it & what can I do about it?
The Equality Act 2010 Protected characteristics (alphabetical order) Age Age Disability Disability Gender reassignment Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Pregnancy and maternity Race Race Religion and belief Religion and belief Sex Sex Sexual orientation Sexual orientation
The Equality Act 2010 What is unlawful? Direct discrimination Direct discrimination Indirect discrimination Indirect discrimination Harassment Harassment Victimisation Victimisation If you ever feel that you have been subjected to any form of harassment, such as name-calling or other verbal abuse, bullying or unwanted physical contact, discrimination etc., or even if you feel that a teacher has treated you with lack of respect, we would like you to report this to a member of staff. This could be your Tutor, any subject teacher, a Senior Tutor or any other member of staff. In particular Heidi Gjertsen – the Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator, and Heather Chambers – the Assistant Principal Guidance, are available for you to talk to. Student Services will help you locate the member of staff in college. When you report an incident, it will be taken seriously and dealt with sensitively and in full consultation with you.
The Equality Act 2010 What is unlawful? Direct discrimination Indirect discrimination Harassment Victimisation Direct discrimination: Treating a person less favourably because of a protected characteristic. Treating a person less favourably because of a protected characteristic. This can be based on association (e.g. a partner’s disability, a parent’s religion, etc.) This can be based on association (e.g. a partner’s disability, a parent’s religion, etc.) Or on perception (e.g. if they are thought to have a protected characteristic, e.g. a straight person who is thought to be gay). Or on perception (e.g. if they are thought to have a protected characteristic, e.g. a straight person who is thought to be gay). Direct discrimination: Treating a person less favourably because of a protected characteristic. Treating a person less favourably because of a protected characteristic. This can be based on association (e.g. a partner’s disability, a parent’s religion, etc.) This can be based on association (e.g. a partner’s disability, a parent’s religion, etc.) Or on perception (e.g. if they are thought to have a protected characteristic, e.g. a straight person who is thought to be gay). Or on perception (e.g. if they are thought to have a protected characteristic, e.g. a straight person who is thought to be gay).
The Equality Act 2010 What is unlawful? Direct discrimination Indirect discrimination Harassment Victimisation Indirect discrimination: If a rule, policy or practice is applied to everyone equally, but it adversely affects people who share a protected characteristic. If a rule, policy or practice is applied to everyone equally, but it adversely affects people who share a protected characteristic. For example, a company asks its employees to work late on a Friday to complete some work. There are some staff who are required by their religion to be at home before sunset on Friday, so they offer to work late on another day instead. If the company does not agree, they could be indirectly discriminating. For example, a company asks its employees to work late on a Friday to complete some work. There are some staff who are required by their religion to be at home before sunset on Friday, so they offer to work late on another day instead. If the company does not agree, they could be indirectly discriminating. Indirect discrimination: If a rule, policy or practice is applied to everyone equally, but it adversely affects people who share a protected characteristic. If a rule, policy or practice is applied to everyone equally, but it adversely affects people who share a protected characteristic. For example, a company asks its employees to work late on a Friday to complete some work. There are some staff who are required by their religion to be at home before sunset on Friday, so they offer to work late on another day instead. If the company does not agree, they could be indirectly discriminating. For example, a company asks its employees to work late on a Friday to complete some work. There are some staff who are required by their religion to be at home before sunset on Friday, so they offer to work late on another day instead. If the company does not agree, they could be indirectly discriminating.
The Equality Act 2010 What is unlawful? Direct discrimination Indirect discrimination Harassment Victimisation Harassment: Unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment for the individual. Unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment for the individual. The person does not have to possess the characteristic themselves. It could be harassment because of perception or association. The person does not have to possess the characteristic themselves. It could be harassment because of perception or association. It includes teasing, name calling and offensive comments as well as physical behaviour. It includes teasing, name calling and offensive comments as well as physical behaviour. Harassment: Unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment for the individual. Unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, degrading or offensive environment for the individual. The person does not have to possess the characteristic themselves. It could be harassment because of perception or association. The person does not have to possess the characteristic themselves. It could be harassment because of perception or association. It includes teasing, name calling and offensive comments as well as physical behaviour. It includes teasing, name calling and offensive comments as well as physical behaviour.
The Equality Act 2010 What is unlawful? Direct discrimination Indirect discrimination Harassment Victimisation Victimisation: Treating a person less favourably because they have taken action or made a complaint or helped someone else to do so. Treating a person less favourably because they have taken action or made a complaint or helped someone else to do so. Victimisation: Treating a person less favourably because they have taken action or made a complaint or helped someone else to do so. Treating a person less favourably because they have taken action or made a complaint or helped someone else to do so.
If you experience discrimination, harassment or victimisation. If you ever feel that you have been subjected to any form of harassment, such as name-calling or other verbal abuse, bullying or unwanted physical contact, discrimination etc., or even if you feel that a teacher has treated you with lack of respect, we would like you to report this to a member of staff. Speak to any member of staff This could be your Tutor, any subject teacher, an Assistant Head of Studies or any other member of staff. In particular Heidi Gjertsen – the Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator, and Heather Chambers – the Assistant Principal-Student Services, are available for you to talk to. Student Services will help you locate the member of staff in college. When you report an incident, it will be taken seriously and dealt with sensitively and in full consultation with you.